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Input field text validation failing for summernote text area

I am using Summernote for rich text editing. My input field has the required attribute.


I have the Submit button. It will be disabled if the the text area is empty or pristine or invalid. code below.

              class="btn btn-danger pull-right"
                questionFormGroup.pristine || questionFormGroup.invalid
              Post Question

If I copy-paste some text inside my summernote editor, the button will get enable But if I do ctrl+a and remove all the text present inside text editor, the button should be disabled since there is no text inside text-area. If I submit the form, the text are will contain values like below:


How do I resolve this wrt to summernote. Button enabled image here and text area contents here.

Here is my formGroup:

createQuestionFormGroup(): void {
    this.questionFormGroup ={
      heading: undefined,
      description: undefined,


  • Here is another way of resolving your particular issue. Collect the HTML that is present inside your Summernote text-area using

    var text = $('#body-summernote').summernote('code');

    Strip off the HTML tags present in the var text.


    You'll get rid of all the tags like and

  • . You'll be left with plain text. Check its length using. Based on this, you can find whether the text-area is having some valid values or not. Calling .trim() as shown below is important.

    $(text).text().trim().length > 1