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convert p to br on tinyMCE

Please help. I use tinyMCE as inline editor. So I need that when user in edit mode press enter then will be <br /> not <p>. I read manual and FAQ and try

            'height' : '100%',
            'content_css' : styles + ',/sdtc-new/nc/interface/common/css/mce-editor.css',
            'mode' : "specific_textareas",
            'editor_selector' : prefix +,
        theme_advanced_buttons1: o.buttons.join(','),
        theme_advanced_buttons2 : "",
        **theme_advanced_buttons3 : "",
    force_br_newlines : true,
        force_p_newlines : false,
        forced_root_block : '' // Needed for 3.x**

But it's not work . Actually some time it's work like when I delete all conetent in edit area and type new text. But i need that it works all time. Please help. Version of tinyMCE 3.4.4


  • You will need to set

       forced_root_block : false,
       force_br_newlines : true,
       force_p_newlines : false

    Here is a helpfull section of the tinymce FAQ.