I am developing a coloring game using adobe air and as3. I have an image with black outline and the user can draw / color the image using a pen tool. I need help to figure out how can I restrict the user to draw within the outlines only. Masking the image with the line-graphics is something I have tried but it hangs the application. Any hint / suggestion towards the solution is appreciated.
following is the code on mouse_down event
_dot = new MovieClip();
_dot.graphics.lineStyle(lineSize, color);
Let's say, the area you are drawing on is a DisplayObject with an instance name of Canvas. What you need is to check if the mouse is on Canvas or not.
In order to do so, you want to use the DisplayObject.hitTestPoint(...) method with the shapeFlag set to true (if it is false, it tests the point against the object's rectangle bounding box, which would produce the wrong results for any non-rectangular or rotated shapes).
So, you do as following:
var P:Point = new Point;
// First, convert coordinates to Stage coordinates,
// because the method requires so.
P.x = Canvas.mouseX;
P.y = Canvas.mouseY;
P = Canvas.localToGlobal(P);
// Now, test if the mouse is within the given canvas.
if (Canvas.hitTestPoint(P.x, P.y, true))
// The drawing should happen here.