Search code examples

iterate through string to get match object from the List in AppleScript

I have tried this below code, It should display "Match". But Somehow it isn't.

set mylist to {"wade", "lee"}
set username to "sarawade"
set a to (count username)

repeat a times
    set mystring to do shell script "echo " & username & " | sed 's/[a-z]//'"
    set username to mystring
    display dialog username
    repeat with theitem in mylist
        if username = theitem then
            display dialog "Match"
        end if
    end repeat
end repeat


  • You compare username with theitem, which is a reference to list's element. You should compare to contents of theitem instead:

    set mylist to {"wade", "lee"}
    set username to "sarawade"
    set a to (count username)
    repeat a times
        set mystring to do shell script "echo " & username & " | sed 's/[a-z]//'"
        set username to mystring
        display dialog username
        repeat with theitem in mylist
            if username = contents of theitem then -- EDITED
                display dialog "Match"
            end if
        end repeat
    end repeat

    NOTE: you can do it easy:

    set mylist to {"wade", "lee"}
    set username to "sarawade"
    display dialog username with title "The username"
    set matchFound to false
    repeat with theitem in mylist
        if username ends with (contents of theitem) then
            set matchFound to true
            exit repeat
        end if
    end repeat
    if matchFound then
        return contents of theitem
        return "No match found"
    end if