I'm trying to render a frame in .NET MAUI. Here is my XAML:
<ContentPage xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui"
<VerticalStackLayout VerticalOptions="Center">
<Frame BackgroundColor="Gray" HeightRequest="300" BorderColor="Green"/>
My problem is that the frame seems to be cut off after 40 Units, but only on Windows:
On Android, everything looks perfectly fine.
If I go below 40 units of height, it renders with the proper height, but it still looks cutoff (Border and rounded corners are missing on the bottom edge).
I don't know if I'm missing something really obvious, or if something is just broken, but I would be very happy if anyone could tell me what is going on here, and how I can fix it.
There is a known issue about this problem.
You can follow it up here: https://github.com/dotnet/maui/issues/8438 .
Thank you so much for your feedback and patience.