This problem is in reference to Android : I have a function which takes in a string value and I want to print a list of Integers from 0 upto that number. I am able to get the string inside the loop but outside the loop I am only getting the last element.
What am I missing here? Any help would be appreciated.
My code :
private fun floorsListFromReceived(floors: String): MutableList<Int> {
var floorList: MutableList<Int> = mutableListOf()
var count = 0
while( count <= floors.toInt()) {
floorList = mutableListOf(count)
Timber.d("List of Floors Inside is : $floorList")
Timber.d("List of Floors Outside is : $floorList")
return floorList
Yes I am trying to make a list so therefore floorList = mutableListOf(count) so after every loop count gets added to the list.
Then you should do like this:
while (count <= floors.toInt()) {
Timber.d("List of Floors Inside is : $floorList")