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How to update SQL column with a CTE based on multiple cases

I have the following table:

enter image description here

I need to update the ActivityCode column like this:

  • if the third sequence of numbers ( by splitting it with . as separator ) is between 1 and 24, then add the sequence 02 before it. Example 1st row should be:
  • if the third sequence of numbers ( by splitting it with . as separator ) is between 25 and 49, then add the sequence 01 before it, but for the last sequence start the count from 1. Example 4th row should be:

More examples:

110.153.26 -->

110.153.27 -->

I tried something like this so far, but have zero idea how to continue:

WITH cte
     AS (SELECT WorkActivityTypeId,
                  WHEN LEFT(SUBSTRING([ActivityCode],CHARINDEX('.', [ActivityCode])+1, LEN([ActivityCode]) - CHARINDEX('.', [ActivityCode]) ),3) <> '000'
                  ELSE ActivityCode
                END NewActivityCode
         FROM   [VanBerloERP_Acc].[dbo].[WorkActivityTypesTest])
SET    ActivityCode = NewActivityCode; 


  • For cases when the right 2 digits are 1 through 24, you just need to stuff '.02' into the string.

    For cases when the right 2 digits are 25 through 49, you need to add '.01' to the first pair, and then subtract 24 from the last number and re-append it. This involves a bit of converting back and forth and it looks messy the way I did it. Should work though.

    I've assumed that the first 2 numbers are always 3 digits and the last two numbers are always 2 digits. If that isn't the case, then this gets messier.

    Finally, as a precaution, if the number isn't expected, it just writes the original number back. This could also be avoided by a judicious WHERE clause.

    This may not be the best way, but it should work.

            ActivityCode =
                CASE WHEN TRY_PARSE( SUBSTRING( ActivityCode, 9, 2 ) AS INT )
                          BETWEEN 1 AND 24
                     THEN STUFF( ActivityCode, 8, 0, '.02' )
                     WHEN TRY_PARSE( SUBSTRING( ActivityCode, 9, 2 ) AS INT )
                          BETWEEN 25 AND 49
                     THEN CONCAT(
                                  SUBSTRING( ActivityCode, 1, 7 )
                                                             TRY_PARSE( RIGHT( ActivityCode, 2 ) AS INT ) - 24
                     ELSE ActivityCode