I'm building very simple ReactNative app bare-wrokflow using expo modules and I'm trying to build internal test , but the app crash immediately.
I literally rendering one screen and works with no error in IOS simulator.
The build command is ( eas build --profile preview --platform ios ) I followed all the configuration in the docs.
Note : I'm not using navigation at all. Note : I had same problem with another app that uses navigation.
expo version : 45 expo-cli : 5.6.0 react native version :68.2
I solve the issue.
I did two things and it works for me.
First thing :
I installed some of the packages via npm , so I reinstall them using expo.
Second (it's most likely the issue) :
My app was consuming an API I built with node.js for auth purposes , and that API was using (nodeMailer) using gmail , and google changed some of security settings , so my nodemailer doesn't send email confirmations , so I fix that + I uninstalled cors library for security reasons .
after that everything works just fine.