I am able to send an email using smtplib package
using the below code
But I want to just save it as draft in my outlook mailbox.
But I don't know how can I save it as draft using smtplib.
Is there any package that we have that can allow me to use html and css tags
, attach files
, write email body text
, include multiple To and cc recepients
and save it as draft but not send them
The reason why am sharing full code is because I want to be able to do all the tasks, formattings, attachments and save it as draft (but not send) in outlook.
Can help me know how can we save an outlook message as draft in outlook using python?
for x in filenames:
filename = os.path.basename(x)
file_pattern = filename.split('_2020')[0]
data = pd.read_csv(filename)
output = build_table(data,'blue_light', font_size='8px',font_family='Open Sans,sans-serif',
temp_email_df = email_list[email_list['Region']==file_pattern]
rec_list.append(temp_email_df.iloc[0,4:].to_string(header=False, index=False))
cc_recipients = ['abc@company.com']
message = MIMEMultipart()
message['Subject'] = 'For your review - records'
message['From'] = 'def@company.com'
message['To'] = ", ".join(rec_list)
message['Cc'] = ", ".join(cc_recipients)
name = temp_email_df.iloc[0,3:4].to_string(header=False, index=False)
top_text = """
<html><body><p>Hello """ + name+"," """ </p>
<p>Based on our examination of data, please do the below</p>
<p>These are identified based on factors such as: </p>
a) factor1<br>
b) factor2<br>
c) factor3<br>
d) factor4<br>
e) factor5<br>
f) factor6<br>
<p> </p>
<p> Appreciate your support in following up the cases as referenced below (which is also available as email attachment). </p>
bottom_text = """
<p>If you have any questions, please do let me know.</p>
part1 = top_text
part2 = output
part3 = bottom_text
partfinal = part1 + part2 + part3
message.attach(MIMEText(partfinal, "html"))
with open(filename, "rb") as attachment:
part = MIMEBase("application", "octet-stream")
# Add header as key/value pair to attachment part
f"attachment; filename= {filename}",
# Add attachment to message and convert message to string
msg_body = message.as_string()
server = SMTP('mail-test.company.com', 25)
SMTP is not connected to Outlook in any way. smtplib
connects directly to the recipients' mail servers.
If you want to manipulate Outlook, you can use COM services, like
outlook = win32com.Dispatch('outlook.application')
Here's a summary of the COM process: https://www.codeforests.com/2020/06/05/how-to-send-email-from-outlook/