I am getting the below error when calling the get_authorization_code
method in the AuthorizationApi
AmzSpApi::ApiError (Error message: the server returns an error
HTTP status code: 400
Response headers: {"Date"=>"Tue, 19 Apr 2022 16:46:45 GMT", "Content-Type"=>"application/json", "Content-Length"=>"131", "Connection"=>"keep-alive", "x-amzn-RequestId"=>"6becf978-e4d0-4d75-b071-2033fc37da06", "x-amzn-RateLimit-Limit"=>"1.0", "x-amz-apigw-id"=>"Q1kaZGzhIAMFgKw=", "X-Amzn-Trace-Id"=>"Root=1-625ee775-4588056d54a5467f1ddac399"}
Response body: {
"errors": [
"code": "InvalidInput",
"message": "No MWS Authorization exists",
"details": ""
The MWS Token is valid since I am able to use it to successfully make calls via the MWS Api on behalf of the seller.
Stuck on this issue for a few days now so any help you can provide will be really appreciated!
There are a few twists and turns on this process, and the docs are unfortunately scattered around a bit.
In short, the process is:
There are three resources you can use to walk you through this process:
to see all the calls with screenshots for the whole process: https://developer-docs.amazon.com/sp-api-blog/docs/migrate-seller-authorizations-from-mws-to-sp-api#step-1-generate-a-grantless-lwa-access-tokenPostman
model you can import: https://github.com/amzn/selling-partner-api-models/tree/main/models/authorization-api-model