This is my sample JSON
Expected Result:
Can anyone please help me to print the above result using for loop in XQuery?
If it's a JSON document, then you can use XPath and do things even easier:
(: read the doc (update to whatever URI) :)
let $json-doc := doc("/test.json")
for $node in $json-doc/transation/node()
return '"'||$node/name()||'":"'||$node||'"'
Or if you have a JSON string to parse to a JSON object, you can use the map:* functions to select and traverse the JSON object:
let $json-doc := xdmp:from-json-string('{ "id":"743", "groupName":"group1", "transation":{ "101":"success", "102":"rejected", "301":"processing" } }')
let $transation := map:get($json-doc, "transation")
for $key in map:keys($transation)
let $value := map:get($transation, $key)
return '"'||$key||'":"'||$value||'"'
If you wanted the JSON document from the database to be a JSON object to use the map functions, you can use the xdmp:from-json()
let $json-doc := doc("/test.json") => xdmp:from-json()
let $transation := map:get($json-doc, "transation")
for $key in map:keys($transation)
let $value := map:get($transation, $key)
return '"'||$key||'":"'||$value||'"'