In kableExtra >= 0.8.0, the canonical way to insert a linebreak into text piped into a table from a kableExtra function such as add_header_above
or pack_rows
is to add an \n
However, this appears not to work with the escape = FALSE
argument, which is required if the text also contains LaTeX code.
How can one force linebreaks in kableExtra functions with escape = FALSE
starwars %>%
filter(species == 'Gungan' | species == 'Droid') %>%
arrange(species) %>%
select(name, eye_color) %>%
kbl(booktabs = TRUE) %>%
index = c(
'The droids: everybody\'s favourite' = 6,
'The Gungans: only beloved of \nthose aged under $3^2$' = 3),
escape = FALSE)
The issue at hand is that you wish to escape part of your header (i.e., the break) and not escape another part (i.e., the math code).
This core issue is further complicated by a number of factors:
Here is a solution that will work for both html and LaTeX output, but it is not as clean and straight forward as your original code:
# a new version of `kableExtra::linebreak()` that takes into account what type
# of output is desired as well as how much escaping is necessary
linebreak2 <- function(x, double_escape = TRUE, ...) {
# if LaTeX insert text into a `\makecell[]{}` command and double escape
return(linebreak(x, double_escape = double_escape, ...))
# if html output just replace `\n`s with `<br/>`s
return(gsub("\n", "<br/>", x))
# let x pass through for other types of output
# build the index named vector outside the pipe flow
# in order to set the names using `linebreak2()`
index <- c(6, 3)
names(index) <- c(
'The droids: everybody\'s favourite',
linebreak2('The Gungans: only beloved of \nthose aged under $3^2$')
# proceed as before
starwars %>%
filter(species == 'Gungan' | species == 'Droid') %>%
arrange(species) %>%
select(name, eye_color) %>%
kbl(booktabs = TRUE) %>%
pack_rows(index = index, escape = FALSE)