I'm a beginner, I wrote a function that checks if in the request pagination.Main == true
, then the function returns prod
, otherwise prod_2
. The default parameter is main == true
, but if I change it to false
I get "data": null
My funcs:
func GetAllIproducts(q *models.Products, g *models.Products_2, pagination *models.Params) (*[]models.Products, *[]models.Products_2) {
var prod []models.Products
var prod_2 []models.Products_2
offset := (pagination.Page - 1) * pagination.Limit
if pagination.Main {
if pagination.Cat_id == nil {
} else {
config.DB.Model(&models.Products{}).Where(q).Where("cat_id IN (?)", pagination.Cat_id).Limit(pagination.Limit).Offset(offset).Find(&prod)
return &prod, nil
} else {
if pagination.Cat_id == nil {
} else {
config.DB.Model(&models.Products_2{}).Where(g).Where("cat_id IN (?)", pagination.Cat_id).Limit(pagination.Limit).Offset(offset).Find(&prod_2)
return nil, &prod_2
func GetAllProducts_by_multi_params(c *gin.Context) {
pagination := GenerateMultiParams(c)
var prod models.Products
var prod_2 models.Products_2
ProdLists, _ := GetAllIproducts(&prod, &prod_2, &pagination)
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"data": ProdLists,
The second return value is hold by the underscore _ in
ProdLists, _ := GetAllIproducts(&prod, &prod_2, &pagination)
You can change it to Prod2Lists
and check for nil, like:
ProdLists, Prod2Lists := GetAllIproducts(&prod, &prod_2, &pagination)
If ProdLists != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"data": ProdLists,
} else {
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"data": Prod2Lists,