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How to add auto incremented columns while creating External Tables using CETAS in Azure Synapse serverless SQL Pool?

In server-less SQL Pool, Identities are not supported, is there any better way to add an auto-incremented column while creating an external table using Select Statement.

    CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE temp.example_table
        DATA_SOURCE = data_source_name,
        LOCATION = 'TempTables/exanple_table',
        FILE_FORMAT = parquet_file_format

    SELECT  name                                    AS user_name
         , code                                        AS user_code
      FROM schema.example_table

How can we add an auto-increment column along with the name and code column in external table?

I want something like -

id user_name user_code
1 Indrajeet SinghI
2 Himanshu RawatH
3 Akshay SharmaA



        CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE temp.example_table
            DATA_SOURCE = data_source_name,
            LOCATION = 'TempTables/exanple_table',
            FILE_FORMAT = parquet_file_format
        SELECT  ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY code) as id
             , name                                    AS user_name
             , code                                        AS user_code
          FROM schema.example_table

    One warning. If you run the same tomorrow it won’t necessarily be the same id for Akshay. So this may not be appropriate except for a one-time load.

    If stability cross days is important you might try HASHBYTES('MD5', code) as id. On a small table that should be unique. But on a large table you may have hash collisions and it not be unique.