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Kubernetes Dashboard open remote acces issue

I am trying to open dashboard for remote access. I can access from the GUI interface inside the machine.

>> minikube dashboard

command works in the machine and I access to the dashboard UI. However, I try to open dashboard for remote access I could not be able to do it. I tried 3 different ways to open. 1 st way In here

>> minikube addons enable ingress

is giving error that i could not be able to find in the forums etc. The error is like following

  • Using image
  • Using image
  • Using image
  • Verifying ingress addon...

X Exiting due to MK_ADDON_ENABLE: run callbacks: running callbacks: [waiting for pods: timed out waiting for the condition] *

  • If the above advice does not help, please let us know:
  • Please run minikube logs --file=logs.txt and attach logs.txt to the GitHub issue.
  • Please also attach the following file to the GitHub issue:
    • /tmp/minikube_addons_63d5aaebbb272eea44b9208d7275913abf1afd99_0.log

The second way that I've tried -> In here it does not give respond for

>> minikube dashboard --url

It is waiting until to keyboard interrupt (CTRL + C)

The last way I've tried ->

In here

>> kubectl proxy

does not responding anything. I am cancelling by keyboard interrupt.


  • I solved the second way issue it is my foolish : ( I have to run commands in background : ).