I have gotten quite familiar with django's email sending abilities, but I havn't seen anything about it receiving and processing emails from users. Is this functionality available?
A few google searches have not turned up very promising results. Though I did find this: Receive and send emails in python
update: I'm not trying to make an email server, I just need to add some functionality where you can email an image to the site and have it pop up in your account.
There's an app called jutda-helpdesk that uses Python's poplib
and imaplib
to process incoming emails. You just have to have an account somewhere with POP3 or IMAP access.
This is adapted from their get_email.py:
def process_mail(mb):
print "Processing: %s" % q
if mb.email_box_type == 'pop3':
if mb.email_box_ssl:
if not mb.email_box_port: mb.email_box_port = 995
server = poplib.POP3_SSL(mb.email_box_host, int(mb.email_box_port))
if not mb.email_box_port: mb.email_box_port = 110
server = poplib.POP3(mb.email_box_host, int(mb.email_box_port))
messagesInfo = server.list()[1]
for msg in messagesInfo:
msgNum = msg.split(" ")[0]
msgSize = msg.split(" ")[1]
full_message = "\n".join(server.retr(msgNum)[1])
# Do something with the message
elif mb.email_box_type == 'imap':
if mb.email_box_ssl:
if not mb.email_box_port: mb.email_box_port = 993
server = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(mb.email_box_host, int(mb.email_box_port))
if not mb.email_box_port: mb.email_box_port = 143
server = imaplib.IMAP4(mb.email_box_host, int(mb.email_box_port))
server.login(mb.email_box_user, mb.email_box_pass)
status, data = server.search(None, 'ALL')
for num in data[0].split():
status, data = server.fetch(num, '(RFC822)')
full_message = data[0][1]
# Do something with the message
server.store(num, '+FLAGS', '\\Deleted')
is just some object to store all the mail server info, the rest should be pretty clear.
You'll probably need to check the docs on poplib
and imaplib
to get specific parts of the message, but hopefully this is enough to get you going.