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Is it possible to pass list of columns (in a range styled way) as an argument inside of SQL function?

I'm not even sure if this is a viable question as I couldn't find anything similar on here or on Google.

I'm sure you've all seen question saying something like "How to select all columns expect few in SQL?". I didn't really any answers that were given as I can't use dynamic SQL in Vertica (can't use = not enabled).

I was thinking of making a UDF in Vertica SDK in Python, but I'm not sure if I can even make something like this, or better yet, if it even "legal" in SQL:

SELECT myFunction([0-50]) FROM my_table t

where [0-50] would select all columns 1 through 51.

Something similar in PySpark would be like this: df_exclude =[cols for cols in df.columns if cols not in first_col]).collect()


  • You can try SQL generating SQL: the "report" of the coded query is the script you will run as the actual query.

    Here, I want to select all columns except the first 50 of the table dbadmin.covid:

    -- out Output format is unaligned.
    -- out Showing only tuples.
    collist AS (
      , table_name
      , ordinal_position
      , column_name
      , ROW_NUMBER() OVER rn AS ind
      , COUNT(*)     OVER ct AS colcount
      FROM columns
      WHERE table_schema='dbadmin' AND table_name='covid'
        AND ordinal_position > 50 -- exclude the first 50 columns
       ct AS (PARTITION BY table_schema,table_name) 
      ,rn AS (ORDER BY ordinal_position)
      CASE ind
        WHEN 1 THEN 'SELECT'||CHR(10)||'  '
        ELSE        ', '
    ||CASE ind 
       WHEN colcount THEN CHR(10)||'FROM '||table_schema||'.'||table_name||';'
       ELSE ''
    FROM collist
    ORDER BY ind;
    -- out SELECT
    -- out   median_age
    -- out , aged_65_older
    -- out , aged_70_older
    -- out , gdp_per_capita
    -- out , extreme_poverty
    -- out , cardiovasc_death_rate
    -- out , diabetes_prevalence
    -- out , female_smokers
    -- out , male_smokers
    -- out , handwashing_facilities
    -- out , hospital_beds_per_thousand
    -- out , life_expectancy
    -- out , human_development_index
    -- out , excess_mortality_cumulative_absolute
    -- out , excess_mortality_cumulative
    -- out , excess_mortality
    -- out , excess_mortality_cumulative_per_million
    -- out FROM dbadmin.covid;