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Plotting of the mean in boxplot before axis log transformation in R

I want to include the mean inside the boxplot but apparently, the mean is not located at the position where it is supposed to be. If I calculate the mean from the data it is 16.2, which would equal 1.2 at the log scale. I tried various things, e.g., changing the position of the stat_summary function before or after the transformation but this does not work. Help is much appreciated! Yours, Kristof



df <- c(2e-05, 0.38, 0.63, 0.98, 0.04, 0.1, 0.16, 0.83, 0.17, 0.09, 0.48, 4.36, 0.83, 0.2, 0.32, 0.44, 0.22, 0.23, 0.89, 0.23, 1.1, 0.62, 5, 340, 47) %>% as.tibble()


df %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = 0, y = value)) +
  geom_boxplot(width = .12, outlier.color = NA) +
  stat_summary(fun=mean, geom="point", shape=21, size=3, color="black", fill="grey") +
    x = "",
    y = "Particle counts (P/kg)"
  ) +
  scale_y_log10(breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x), labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x)))


  • The mean calculated by stat_summary is the mean of log10(value), not of value.
    Below I propose to define a new function my_mean for a correct calculation of the average value.

    df <- c(2e-05, 0.38, 0.63, 0.98, 0.04, 0.1, 0.16, 
    0.83, 0.17, 0.09, 0.48, 4.36, 0.83, 0.2, 0.32, 0.44, 
    0.22, 0.23, 0.89, 0.23, 1.1, 0.62, 5, 340, 47) %>% as.tibble()
    # Define the mean function   
    my_mean <- function(x) {
    df %>%
      ggplot(aes(x = 0, y = value)) +
      geom_boxplot(width = .12, outlier.color = NA) +
      stat_summary(fun=my_mean, geom="point", shape=21, size=3, color="black", fill="grey") +
        x = "",
        y = "Particle counts (P/kg)"
      ) +
      scale_y_log10(breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x), 
                    labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x)))

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