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Android WebView not reading data from local storage in first time page finished?

I am trying to read local storage data from javascript using WebView in android.

Here is my code

    public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
      getLocalStorageAndSaveOnAndroidPref("androidDeliveryAppStickyNotificationTitle", view);

 public static void getLocalStorageAndSaveOnAndroidPref(String key, WebView view) {
        String JAVASCRIPT_LOCAL_STORAGE_LOOKUP = "javascript:window";
        Log.d(TAG, "getLocalStorageAndSaveOnAndroidPref: function called");
        view.evaluateJavascript(JAVASCRIPT_LOCAL_STORAGE_LOOKUP.concat(".localStorage.getItem('" + key + "')"), value -> {
            Log.d(TAG, "getLocalStorageAndSaveOnAndroidPref: "+value);
            SharePref.setDataPref(key, value);

But this is giving me null when it's loaded the first time.

I want to achieve that the local storage data should be loaded the first time the page is finished.

Any idea how to achieve that.


  • I have a better solution for this it will work for the first time opening WebView.

    you just have to use a custom callback. like this

    public interface DataSavedCallback {
      void onDataSaved();
      public static void getLocalStorageAndSaveOnAndroidPref(String[] keys,
    WebView view,dataSavedCallback savedCallback) {
        String JAVASCRIPT_LOCAL_STORAGE_LOOKUP = "javascript:window";
         view.evaluateJavascript(JAVASCRIPT_LOCAL_STORAGE_LOOKUP.concat(".localStorage.getItem('" + keys[i] + "')"), new ValueCallback<String>() {
                    public void onReceiveValue(String value) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "getLocalStorageAndSaveOnAndroidPref: " + value);

    then use this function to get the value of the key from the webview local storage

    public static void getLocalStorageAndSaveOnAndroidPref(String[] keys,
    WebView view,dataSavedCallback savedCallback) {
        String JAVASCRIPT_LOCAL_STORAGE_LOOKUP = "javascript:window";
         view.evaluateJavascript(JAVASCRIPT_LOCAL_STORAGE_LOOKUP.concat(".localStorage.getItem('" + keys[i] + "')"), new ValueCallback<String>() {
                    public void onReceiveValue(String value) {
                        Log.d(TAG, "getLocalStorageAndSaveOnAndroidPref: " + value);

    you can call the above function anywhere using your webview -> {
                String[] keys = {"androidDeliveryAppStickyNotificationTitle","androidDeliveryAppStickyNotificationSubtitle","androidAppNewSoundAlertTitle"};
                getLocalStorageAndSaveOnAndroidPref(keys, myWebView, new dataSavedCallback() {
                    public void onDataSaved() {
                    //do whatever you want