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how to add secondary x-axis with my String labels

I have plot enter image description here

with secondary axis added like this:

    plot.extra_x_ranges['sec_x_axis'] = Range1d(0, 100)
    ax2 = LinearAxis(x_range_name="sec_x_axis", axis_label="secondary x-axis")
    plot.add_layout(ax2, 'above')

x_axis is x_axis_type='datetime', so bokeh show ms on second x-axis too. This is not good.
Is there a way I can put my labels on this axis? I have a list of str labels like:

my_labels = ['21.5; 315.1', '21.6; 315.0', '21.7; 315.0', '21.7; 314.9',.....]

I found FuncTickFormatter but it takes JS code inside, so I can't handle it. Maybe there is another way to do this?


  • To override the values of the labels use major_label_overrides on the appropriate axis. You can pass a dictionary like {1:'A', ...}, where 1 is the place to overwrite and A is the new label. To avoid "wrong" labels while zooming, you can set the ticker direcetlly as list unsing ticker. In your case the axis is p.above[0].


    If you add a LinearAxis to a figure with an already existing DatetimeAxis, the new axis shoudn't be effected and therefor shouldn't be formatted as datetime. I used the latest version 2.4.3 and it works as expected. Use the minimal example to try it on your own.

    Minimal Example

    This code is based on the example published by the authors of bokeh.

    from numpy import arange, linspace, pi, sin
    from bokeh.models import LinearAxis, Range1d
    from bokeh.plotting import figure, show, output_notebook
    x = arange(-2*pi, 2*pi, 0.2)
    x2 = arange(-pi, pi, 0.1)
    y = sin(x)
    y2 = sin(x2)
    p = figure(
        x_range=(-6.5, 6.5),
        y_range=(-1.1, 1.1),
    ), y, color="crimson", size=8)
    p.yaxis.axis_label = "red circles"
    p.yaxis.axis_label_text_color ="crimson"
    p.extra_x_ranges['foo'] = Range1d(-pi, pi), y2, color="navy", size=8, x_range_name="foo")
    ax2 = LinearAxis(x_range_name="foo", axis_label="blue circles")
    ax2.axis_label_text_color ="navy"
    p.add_layout(ax2, 'above')
    # set ticker to avoid wrong formatted labels while zooming
    p.above[0].ticker = list(range(-3,4))
    # overwrite labels
    p.above[0].major_label_overrides = {key: item for key, item in zip(range(-3,4), list('ABCDEFG'))}
    default overwritten labels
    sinus over time default sinus over time