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Access a repo in a guard in nestjs

Before upgrading to typeorm 0.3 I could use getConnection().getRepository<User>(User) in my guard to get a repo for a type and operate on it. With 0.3 however that is deprecated (see also and now I cannot get access to the db in my guard anymore. I tried to use

 private userRepo: Repository<User>,

in the guard's constructor and then tried to make the guard a provider from a module that I exported but also that didnt work.

So I wonder how to get access to a repo or connection there. Otherwise I would probably need to pass my connection details to the Guard and create a new connecion ther which seems aweful.


  • You can try with mixin Check the section Passing additional arguments.

    I have done it with DataSource you can use Repository as well.

    import { CanActivate, ExecutionContext, NotFoundException, Inject, Type, mixin } from "@nestjs/common";
    import { DataSource, getRepository, ObjectType } from "typeorm";
    import { Request } from "express";
    const ScopeGuard = (entityClass): Type<CanActivate> => {
    class ScopeGuardMixin {
    constructor(@Inject(DataSource) private readonly dataSource: DataSource) {}
    async canActivate(context: ExecutionContext): Promise<boolean> {
      console.log("here 1");
      console.log("here 2");
      const request = context.switchToHttp().getRequest<Request>();
      console.log(await this.dataSource.getRepository(entityClass).findOneBy({ id: Number( }));
      return true;
    return mixin(ScopeGuardMixin);
    export default ScopeGuard;

    Controller code

    import ScopeGuard from "app/modules/guards/scope.guard";