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Using GEKKO for Moving Horizon Estimation online 3

This is the following question after Using GEKKO for Moving Horizon Estimation online 2.

My code:

from gekko import GEKKO
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib; matplotlib.use('TkAgg')

class Observer():

    def __init__(self, window_size, r_init, alpha_init):
        self.m = GEKKO(remote=False)
        self.dt = 0.05
        self.m.time = [i*self.dt for i in range(window_size)]
        self.m.u = self.m.MV()
        self.m.r = self.m.CV(lb=0.01) # value=r_init) #ub=20 can be over 20
        self.m.alpha = self.m.CV() # value=alpha_init) #ub lb for angle?
        self.m.Equation(self.m.r.dt() == -self.m.cos(self.m.alpha))
        self.m.Equation(self.m.alpha.dt() == self.m.sin(self.m.alpha)/self.m.r - self.m.u)  # differential equation
        # self.m.options.MV_STEP_HOR = 2
        self.m.options.IMODE = 5   # dynamic estimation
        self.m.options.EV_TYPE = 1 #Default 1: absolute error form 2: squared error form
        self.m.options.DIAGLEVEL = 0 #diagnostic level
        self.m.options.NODES = 3 #nodes   # collocation nodes default:2
        self.m.options.SOLVER = 2 #solver_num

        # STATUS = 0, optimizer doesn't adjust value
        # STATUS = 1, optimizer can adjust
        self.m.u.STATUS = 0
        self.m.r.STATUS = 1
        self.m.alpha.STATUS = 1
        # FSTATUS = 0, no measurement
        # FSTATUS = 1, measurement used to update model
        self.m.u.FSTATUS = 1 #default
        self.m.r.FSTATUS = 1
        self.m.alpha.FSTATUS = 1

        self.m.r.MEAS_GAP = 2
        self.m.alpha.MEAS_GAP = 1

        self.m.r.TR_INIT = 1
        self.m.alpha.TR_INIT = 1

        self.count = 0

    def MHE(self, observed_state, u_data):
        self.count =+ 1
        self.m.u.MEAS = u_data
        self.m.r.MEAS = observed_state[0]
        self.m.alpha.MEAS = observed_state[1]
        return self.m.r.MODEL, self.m.alpha.MODEL

if __name__=="__main__":
    FILE_PATH00 = '/home/shane16/Project/model_guard/uav_paper/adversarial/SA_PPO/src/DATA/4end_estimation_results_r.csv'
    FILE_PATH01 = '/home/shane16/Project/model_guard/uav_paper/adversarial/SA_PPO/src/DATA/4end_estimation_results_alpha.csv'
    FILE_PATH02 = '/home/shane16/Project/model_guard/uav_paper/adversarial/SA_PPO/src/DATA/4end_action_buffer_eps0.0_sig0.0.csv'
    cycles = 250
    x = np.arange(cycles) # 1...300
    matrix00 = np.loadtxt(FILE_PATH00, delimiter=',')
    matrix01 = np.loadtxt(FILE_PATH01, delimiter=',')
    matrix02 = np.loadtxt(FILE_PATH02, delimiter=',')

    vanilla_action_sigma_0 = matrix02

    vanilla_estimation_matrix_r = np.zeros(cycles)
    vanilla_estimation_matrix_alpha = np.zeros(cycles)

    # sigma = 0.0
    # vanilla model true/observed states
    r_vanilla_sigma_0_true = matrix00[0, 3:] # from step 1
    r_vanilla_sigma_0_observed = matrix00[1, 3:] # from step1
    alpha_vanilla_sigma_0_true = matrix01[0, 3:]
    alpha_vanilla_sigma_0_observed = matrix01[1, 3:]

    # initialize estimator
    sigma = 0.0 #1.0
    solver_num = 2
    nodes = 5
    # for window_size in [5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]:
    window_size = 8
    observer = Observer(window_size, r_vanilla_sigma_0_observed[0], alpha_vanilla_sigma_0_observed[0])
    for i in range(cycles):
        if i % 100 == 0:
            print('cylcle: {}'.format(i))
        vanilla_observed_states = np.hstack((r_vanilla_sigma_0_observed[i], alpha_vanilla_sigma_0_observed[i])) # from current observed state
        r_hat, alpha_hat = observer.MHE(vanilla_observed_states, vanilla_action_sigma_0[i]) # and current action -> estimate current state
        vanilla_estimation_matrix_r[i] = r_hat
        vanilla_estimation_matrix_alpha[i] = alpha_hat

    #plot vanilla
    plt.title('Vanilla model_sig{}'.format(sigma))
    plt.plot(x, vanilla_action_sigma_0[:cycles],'b:',label='action (w)')
    plt.plot(x, r_vanilla_sigma_0_true[:cycles], 'k-', label='true_r')
    plt.plot(x, r_vanilla_sigma_0_observed[:cycles], 'gx', label='observed_r')
    plt.plot(x, vanilla_estimation_matrix_r, 'r--', label='time window: 10')
    # plt.legend()
    plt.xlabel('time steps')
    plt.plot(x, alpha_vanilla_sigma_0_true[:cycles], 'k-', label='true_alpha')
    plt.plot(x, alpha_vanilla_sigma_0_observed[:cycles], 'gx', label='observed_alpha')
    plt.plot(x, vanilla_estimation_matrix_alpha, 'r--', label='time window: {}'.format(window_size))
    plt.savefig('plot/revision/4estimated_STATES_vanilla_sig{}_window{}_cycles{}_solver{}_nodes{}.png'.format(sigma, window_size,cycles, solver_num, nodes))

I have studied and did set the problem as the example

But when I set window_size in my code over 10, the solution is not found: (result of terminal when options.SOLVER = 0)

apm <br><pre>
----------------------------------------------------------------  APMonitor, Version 1.0.1  APMonitor Optimization Suite 
     --------- APM Model Size ------------  Each time step contains    Objects      :            0    Constants    :            0    Variables    :            3    Intermediates:            0    Connections  :            0    Equations    :            2    Residuals    :            2    Warning: CV(           1 ) on at cycle  1 with no MVs on  Warning: CV(           2 ) on at cycle            1 with no MVs on  Number of state variables:            261  Number of total equations: -          261  Number of slack variables: -          0  ---------------------------------------  Degrees of freedom       : 0    ----------------------------------------------  Dynamic Estimation with APOPT Solver 
----------------------------------------------    Iter    Objective  Convergence
    0  5.30547E+02  1.04898E+01
    1  3.70823E+02  3.25000E-01
    2  3.70724E+02  7.49963E-02
    3  3.70689E+02  3.74995E-01
    4  3.70716E+02  1.00000E-01
    5  3.70717E+02  2.00000E-01
    6  2.33359E+03  1.73260E-01
    7  2.56047E+04  1.00000E-01
    8  2.56261E+04  1.18140E-01
    9  1.52748E+21  1.39682E+00    Iter    Objective  Convergence    10  1.08739E+30  1.39682E+00    11  1.06063E+30  1.39682E+00    12 
1.03450E+30  1.39682E+00    13  2.40101E+32  1.39682E+00    14  2.34191E+32  1.39682E+00    15  2.28418E+32  1.39682E+00    16  1.68770E+32  1.39682E+00    17  1.64616E+32  1.39682E+00    18  1.60560E+32  1.39682E+00    19  1.72636E+32  1.39682E+00    Iter    Objective  Convergence    20  1.68387E+32  1.39682E+00    21 
1.64239E+32  1.39682E+00    22  1.72644E+32  1.39682E+00    23  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    24  1.64243E+32  1.39682E+00    25  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    26  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    27  1.64243E+32  1.39682E+00    28  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    29  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    Iter    Objective  Convergence    30  1.64243E+32  1.39682E+00    31  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    32  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    33  1.64244E+32  1.39682E+00    34  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    35  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    36  1.64244E+32  1.39682E+00    37  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    38  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    39  1.64244E+32  1.39682E+00    Iter    Objective  Convergence    40  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    41 
1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    42  1.64244E+32  1.39682E+00    43  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    44  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    45  1.64245E+32  1.39682E+00    46  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    47  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    48  1.64243E+32  1.39682E+00    49  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    Iter    Objective  Convergence    50  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    51  1.64243E+32  1.39682E+00    52  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    53  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    54  1.64244E+32  1.39682E+00    55  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    56  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    57  1.64244E+32  1.39682E+00    58  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    59  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    Iter    Objective  Convergence    60  1.64244E+32  1.39682E+00    61 
1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    62  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    63  1.64243E+32  1.39682E+00    64  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    65  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    66  1.64243E+32  1.39682E+00    67  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    68  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    69  1.64244E+32  1.39682E+00    Iter    Objective  Convergence    70  1.72645E+32  1.39682E+00    71  1.68395E+32  1.39682E+00    

... 81 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 82 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 83 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 84 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 85 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 86 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 87 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 88 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 89 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 90 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 91 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 92 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 93 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 94 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 95 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 96 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 97 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 98 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 99 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 100 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 101 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 102 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 103 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 104 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 105 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 106 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 107 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 108 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 109 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 110 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 111 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 112 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 113 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 114 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 115 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 116 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 117 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 118 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 119 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 120 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 121 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 122 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 123 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 124 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 125 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 126 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 127 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 128 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 129 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 130 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 131 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 132 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 133 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 134 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 135 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 136 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 137 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 138 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 139 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 140 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 141 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 142 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 143 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 144 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 145 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 146 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 147 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 148 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 149 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 150 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 151 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 152 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 153 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 154 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 155 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 156 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 157 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 158 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 159 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 160 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 161 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 162 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 163 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 164 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 165 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 166 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 167 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 168 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 169 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 170 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 171 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 172 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 173 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 174 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 175 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 176 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 177 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 178 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 179 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 180 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 181 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 182 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 183 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 184 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 185 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 186 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 187 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 188 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 189 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 190 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 191 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 192 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 193 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 194 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 195 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 196 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 197 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 198 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 199 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 200 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 201 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 202 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 203 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 204 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 205 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 206 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 207 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 208 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 209 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 210 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 211 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 212 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 213 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 214 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 215 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 216 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 217 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 218 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 219 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 220 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 221 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 222 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 223 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 224 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 225 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 226 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 227 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 228 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 229 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 230 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 231 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 232 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 233 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 234 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 235 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 236 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 237 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 238 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 239 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 240 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 241 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 242 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 243 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 244 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 245 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 246 1.64243E+32 1.39682E+00 247 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 248 1.68395E+32 1.39682E+00 249 1.64244E+32 1.39682E+00 Iter Objective Convergence 250 1.72645E+32 1.39682E+00 Maximum iterations --------------------------------------------------- Solver : APOPT (v1.0) Solution time : 5.02409999999873 sec Objective : 217.772371342953 Unsuccessful with error code 0 --------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Dynamic Estimation with BPOPT Solver ----------------------------------------------

-----------------------------------------------------  BPOPT Solver v1.0.6
-----------------------------------------------------  Adjusting variables to interior region of bounds  Iter    Objective  Convergence
    0 -1.85748E+02  3.38018E+01
    1 -1.05777E+02  2.71532E+01
    2  1.26905E+02  2.76867E+02
    3  4.04640E+03  7.58592E+02
    4  1.22410E+08  1.22407E+04
    5  1.88476E+03  1.95147E+04
      -1.77050E+00  4.25888E+02
       9.23784E+02  9.96666E+03
       1.38670E+03  1.47370E+04
       1.61835E+03  1.71234E+04
       1.74542E+03  1.83168E+04
    6  1.81543E+03  1.89153E+04
       2.56695E+02  1.43715E+03
       1.01483E+03  1.00785E+04
       1.40039E+03  1.44630E+04
       1.59401E+03  1.66629E+04
       1.69819E+03  1.77867E+04
    7  1.75705E+03  1.83500E+04
    8  6.72094E+08  6.72094E+04
       5.65658E+02  6.07154E+03
       3.69827E+03  3.62246E+04
       5.28094E+03  5.14597E+04
       6.09958E+03  5.93489E+04
       6.50835E+03  6.32875E+04
    9  6.71243E+03  6.52535E+04    10  3.42908E+02  3.74813E+03    11  8.25957E+03  3.79110E+03    12  4.75089E+07  4.75089E+03    13  1.75564E+04  1.44171E+04
       7.14522E+07  7.14522E+03
       9.29139E+07  9.29140E+03
       1.14506E+08  1.14506E+04
       1.26204E+08  1.26204E+04
       1.32081E+08  1.32081E+04    14  1.37395E+08  1.37395E+04  Iter    Objective  Convergence    15  9.73361E+07  9.73356E+03    16 
5.10815E+08  5.10812E+04
       3.34519E+03  1.54614E+04
       5.68490E+03  3.27431E+04
       6.90872E+03  4.19233E+04
       7.53574E+03  4.66639E+04
       7.82826E+03  4.88168E+04    17  7.97497E+03  4.98979E+04    18  1.02392E+09  1.02392E+05    19  7.77468E+09  7.77468E+05    20  9.02530E+09  1.30137E+06    21  8.22402E+12  8.22402E+08
       8.27849E+07  7.85323E+08
       6.67868E+07  6.46502E+08
       6.68851E+07  6.58066E+08
       7.40486E+07  7.34991E+08
       7.80379E+07  7.77529E+08    22  8.00766E+07  7.99239E+08    23  8.85462E+12  8.85424E+08
       3.10775E+08  2.89271E+08
       3.88079E+08  5.70603E+08
       4.28405E+08  7.28006E+08
       4.48567E+08  8.06703E+08
       4.58649E+08  8.46059E+08    24  4.63690E+08  8.65737E+08    25  1.86029E+07  1.48320E+08
       1.17713E+10  1.17712E+06
       7.44218E+11  7.44216E+07
       1.11371E+12  1.11370E+08
       1.29845E+12  1.29844E+08
       1.39082E+12  1.39082E+08    26  1.43700E+12  1.43700E+08
       9.97937E+09  9.97933E+05
       7.20196E+11  7.20194E+07
       1.07860E+12  1.07860E+08
       1.25780E+12  1.25780E+08
       1.34740E+12  1.34740E+08    27  1.39221E+12  1.39220E+08
       4.87457E+09  4.87453E+05
       6.97347E+11  6.97346E+07
       1.04477E+12  1.04477E+08
       1.21849E+12  1.21848E+08
       1.30535E+12  1.30534E+08    28  1.34878E+12  1.34877E+08
       7.02507E+04  6.33467E+05
       8.46417E+06  6.74433E+07
       1.26923E+07  1.01160E+08
       1.48064E+07  1.18019E+08
       1.58634E+07  1.26448E+08    29  1.63920E+07  1.30662E+08  Iter    Objective  Convergence    30  6.88703E+05  1.60107E+06
       1.15163E+08  8.31826E+05
       1.68185E+08  1.21658E+06
       1.94691E+08  1.40891E+06
       2.07914E+08  1.50487E+06
       2.14555E+08  1.55306E+06    31  2.17836E+08  1.57686E+06  *** WARNING MESSAGE FROM SUBROUTINE MA27BD  *** INFO(1) = 3
     MATRIX IS SINGULAR. RANK=  683  Problem with linear solver, INFO:            3    ---------------------------------------------------  Solver       :  BPOPT (v1.0)  Solution time  :   4.249999999956344E-002 sec  Objective      :    528860.935305211       Unsuccessful with error code            0  ---------------------------------------------------
**********************************************  Dynamic Estimation with Interior Point Solver 
     Info: Exact Hessian

****************************************************************************** This program contains Ipopt, a library for large-scale nonlinear optimization.  Ipopt is released as open source code under the Eclipse Public License (EPL).
         For more information visit

This is Ipopt version 3.12.10, running with linear solver ma57.

Number of nonzeros in equality constraint Jacobian...:      257 Number of nonzeros in inequality constraint Jacobian.:      324 Number of nonzeros in Lagrangian Hessian.............:       54

Total number of variables............................:      261
                     variables with only lower bounds:      180
                variables with lower and upper bounds:        0
                     variables with only upper bounds:        0 Total number of equality constraints.................:       99 Total number of inequality constraints...............:      162
        inequality constraints with only lower bounds:      162    inequality constraints with lower and upper bounds:        0
        inequality constraints with only upper bounds:        0

iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls    0  8.8000164e-01 1.05e+01 9.00e+00   0.0 0.00e+00    -
0.00e+00 0.00e+00   0    1  1.0609900e+00 1.05e+01 9.02e+00  -6.7 3.88e+01    -  1.84e-03 1.78e-03h  1    2  9.3143493e+00 1.02e+01 2.21e+01   0.4 3.87e+01    -  1.79e-02 1.98e-02f  1    3  9.3142593e+00 1.02e+01 1.15e+04  -0.3 3.79e+01    -  2.86e-01 2.02e-04h  1    4r 9.3142593e+00 1.02e+01 1.00e+03   1.0 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 2.53e-07R  4    5r 5.3654124e+01 8.37e+00 1.16e+03   1.6 2.57e+02    -  2.05e-03 7.22e-03f  1    6  5.3675353e+01 8.36e+00 2.99e+02  -6.2 4.01e+01    -  2.12e-01 7.00e-04h  1    7r 5.3675353e+01 8.36e+00 9.99e+02   0.9 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 4.38e-07R  5    8r 1.6618000e+02 2.86e+00 9.90e+02   1.0 6.80e+02    -  2.20e-02 8.16e-03f  1    9  1.6613771e+02 2.86e+00 7.01e+02  -6.2 3.78e+01    -  4.05e-01 5.72e-04h  1 iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls   10r 1.6613771e+02
2.86e+00 9.99e+02   0.5 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 3.58e-07R  5   11r 2.2518286e+02 1.89e+00 9.97e+02   1.8 1.58e+03    -  5.31e-03 1.80e-03f  1   12  2.2512388e+02 1.89e+00 1.12e+03  -6.1 3.77e+01    -  4.42e-01 3.90e-04f  1   13r 2.2512388e+02 1.89e+00 1.00e+03   0.3 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 4.87e-07R  4   14r 2.2721384e+02 1.87e+00 9.91e+02  -5.9 6.07e+01    -  3.73e-03 7.55e-03f  1   15r 2.2764670e+02 6.34e-01 9.89e+02   1.5 2.10e+04    -  3.96e-03 1.18e-03f  1   16  2.2763736e+02 6.34e-01 5.40e+03  -6.1 1.48e+02    -  4.36e-01 7.99e-05h  1   17r 2.2763736e+02 6.34e-01 1.00e+03  -0.0 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 4.00e-07R  2   18r 2.3088007e+02 5.58e-01 9.95e+02   1.9 9.63e+02    -  7.10e-03 2.87e-03f  1   19  2.3089464e+02 5.58e-01 5.63e+04   0.1 1.19e+02    -  4.79e-01 4.76e-04h  1 iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls   20r 2.3089464e+02 5.58e-01 1.00e+03 
-0.3 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 2.98e-07R  5   21r 2.3319530e+02 5.24e-01 1.31e+03   1.7 1.33e+03    -  1.50e-02 3.54e-03f  1   22r 2.5899287e+02 3.78e-01 1.77e+03   1.9 1.04e+02    -  5.59e-02 4.32e-02f  1   23  2.5842489e+02 3.78e-01 6.85e+02   0.2 6.86e+01    -  8.90e-01 1.48e-03f  3   24  2.5843511e+02 3.82e-01 3.36e+04   0.2 6.84e+01    -  2.20e-01 4.46e-03f  1   25  2.5843515e+02 3.82e-01 1.36e+08   0.2 6.48e+01    -  1.80e-01 4.47e-05h  1   26r 2.5843515e+02 3.82e-01 1.00e+03   0.2 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 2.24e-07R  2   27r 2.6284498e+02 2.08e-01 1.34e+03   1.9 1.55e+02    -  7.63e-02 5.34e-03f  1   28  2.6244784e+02 2.08e-01 4.34e+03   0.2 4.59e+01    -  9.14e-01 9.61e-04h  1   29r 2.6244784e+02 2.08e-01 1.00e+03   0.2 0.00e+00    -  0.00e+00 3.01e-07R  6 iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls   30r
2.7090035e+02 2.28e-01 9.50e+02   1.6 7.37e+01    -  2.96e-01 1.63e-02f  1   31r 2.7157286e+02 2.27e-01 9.22e+02   0.4 2.45e+00    -  4.94e-01 3.05e-02f  1   32r 2.7252200e+02 2.29e-01 5.15e+02  -1.1 1.18e+00    -  8.32e-01 4.55e-01f  1   33r 2.8772420e+02 2.25e-01 9.40e+01  -0.7 2.22e+00    -  9.83e-01 9.15e-01f  1   34r 2.8769913e+02 1.95e+00 1.26e+02  -6.6 1.40e+03    -  1.66e-04 1.08e-03f  1   35r 2.9223102e+02 1.54e+00 1.29e+03  -1.2 1.05e+00   0.0 3.03e-01 8.71e-01f  1   36r 2.9225465e+02 1.07e+00 9.01e+02  -0.9 5.35e-01   2.2 4.81e-01 6.15e-01f  1   37r 2.9231013e+02 5.11e-01 1.06e+03  -0.4 2.19e-01   2.7 1.36e-01 1.00e+00f  1   38r 2.9231181e+02 4.23e-01 9.15e+02  -0.6 1.86e-01   3.1 9.06e-02 1.77e-01f  1   39r 2.9231198e+02 4.04e-01 1.12e+03  -0.6 2.11e-01   3.5 2.88e-01 4.46e-02f  1 iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls   40r 2.9231360e+02 3.01e-01
9.53e+02  -0.6 2.60e-01   3.0 6.51e-02 1.35e-01f  1   41r 2.9231693e+02 2.72e-01 1.66e+03  -0.6 2.67e-01   2.6 1.00e+00 9.33e-02f  1   42r 2.9232719e+02 1.98e-01 2.41e+02  -0.6 1.29e-01   3.0 2.20e-01 7.65e-01h  1   43r 2.9243143e+02 2.09e-01 5.65e+02   0.3 2.98e-01   2.5 1.00e+00 2.52e-01f  1   44r 2.9246350e+02 2.10e-01 8.61e+02  -0.4 2.92e-01   2.0 9.92e-01 2.01e-01f  1   45r 2.9245480e+02 2.09e-01 1.93e+02  -1.4 1.20e-01   2.5 1.00e+00 7.37e-01f  1   46r 2.9259452e+02 2.03e-01 1.27e+03   0.2 1.80e+00   2.0 7.20e-01 1.20e-01f  1   47r 2.9277900e+02 2.04e-01 7.72e+02  -0.3 1.25e+00   1.5 3.93e-01 2.34e-01f  1   48r 2.9280994e+02 2.04e-01 5.33e+02  -0.3 1.78e+00   1.0 3.76e-01 1.16e-02h  1   49r 2.9962583e+02 2.28e-01 3.45e+02  -0.3 7.89e-01   0.5 7.13e-01 1.00e+00f  1 iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls   50r 3.2677031e+02 4.59e-01 7.44e+01 
-0.3 6.06e-01    -  1.00e+00 7.82e-01f  1   51r 4.2678794e+02 4.44e-01 1.12e+01  -0.3 4.39e+00    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1   52r 3.4495773e+02 1.99e-01 1.01e+01  -1.0 2.60e+00    -  8.72e-01 1.00e+00f  1   53r 3.4520580e+02 2.23e-01 3.63e+02  -1.0 4.22e-01   0.1 1.00e+00 3.00e-01f  2   54r 3.2340242e+02 2.25e-01 2.00e+00  -1.1 1.11e+00    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1   55r 2.9817629e+02 2.31e-01 6.43e+01  -2.2 7.79e-01    -  9.99e-01 7.57e-01f  1   56r 2.8673872e+02 2.25e-01 4.58e-01  -2.7 2.41e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1   57r 2.7428826e+02 2.23e-01 8.35e-02  -3.9 3.26e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1   58r 2.7154701e+02 2.21e-01 1.36e+00  -4.8 2.86e+00    -  9.99e-01 6.82e-01f  1   59r 2.7155377e+02 2.21e-01 5.33e-03  -4.2 2.28e-02  -0.4 1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1 iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls   60r
2.7041602e+02 2.21e-01 8.88e+00  -4.9 4.62e+00    -  9.97e-01 1.64e-01h  1   61r 2.7039401e+02 2.21e-01 1.33e-02  -6.0 7.91e-02  -0.9 1.00e+00 9.97e-01h  1   62r 2.7037446e+02 2.21e-01 1.52e-02  -7.6 3.26e-01  -1.4 1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1   63r 2.7036542e+02 2.21e-01 1.24e-01  -8.6 1.25e+00  -1.8 1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1   64r 2.7035672e+02 2.21e-01 3.74e+00  -9.0 7.13e+00  -2.3 1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1   65r 2.7035462e+02 2.21e-01 7.83e-01  -8.7 3.27e+00  -1.9 1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1   66r 2.7034622e+02 5.19e-01 3.07e+01  -8.5 2.10e+01  -2.4 1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1   67r 2.7034197e+02 2.66e-01 7.12e+00  -8.8 1.02e+01  -1.9 1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1   68r 2.7033259e+02 3.97e+01 2.03e+02  -8.9 9.24e+01  -2.4 1.00e+00 1.00e+00f  1   69r 2.6360194e+02 1.39e+01 5.98e+02  -7.3 4.14e+01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1 iter    objective    inf_pr   inf_du lg(mu)  ||d||  lg(rg) alpha_du alpha_pr  ls   70r 2.6287479e+02 1.17e+01
4.25e+02  -7.1 1.33e+01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1   71r 2.6399459e+02 4.20e+00 3.71e+02  -6.2 1.24e+01    -  1.00e+00 6.63e-01h  1   72r 2.6277485e+02 2.15e-01 1.34e+00  -6.7 5.00e+00    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1   73r 2.6249804e+02 2.14e-01 8.71e-02  -8.0 2.35e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1   74r 2.6246138e+02 2.14e-01 1.06e-01  -9.0 1.43e-01    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1   75r 2.6248456e+02 2.15e-01 3.45e-03  -9.0 2.17e-02    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1   76r 2.6248458e+02 2.15e-01 3.74e-03  -9.0 2.15e-03    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1   77r 2.6248458e+02 2.15e-01 1.26e-04  -9.0 4.26e-04    -  1.00e+00 1.00e+00h  1

Number of Iterations....: 77

                                   (scaled)                 (unscaled) Objective...............:   2.6248457642008947e+02   
2.6248457642008947e+02 Dual infeasibility......:   1.9999999998163066e+01    1.9999999998163066e+01 Constraint violation....:   2.1450238157252022e-01    2.1450238157252022e-01 Complementarity.........:   1.0000004294468675e-09   
1.0000004294468675e-09 Overall NLP error.......:   1.9999999998163066e+01    1.9999999998163066e+01

Number of objective function evaluations             = 118 Number of objective gradient evaluations             = 29 Number of equality constraint evaluations            = 118 Number of inequality constraint evaluations          = 118 Number of equality constraint Jacobian evaluations   = 87 Number of inequality constraint Jacobian evaluations = 87 Number of Lagrangian Hessian evaluations            
= 78 Total CPU secs in IPOPT (w/o function evaluations)   =      0.131 Total CPU secs in NLP function evaluations           =      0.053

EXIT: Converged to a point of local infeasibility. Problem may be infeasible.    An error occured.  The error code is            2

and if I set window_size = 5, the estimation result does not follow true states: two estimated states doesn't follow the true or observed states.

What am I doing wrong? How should I fix this?

Sorry if I'm asking something that is easily known through studying example, but I still don't get the solution. Thank you for your kind instruction.

Sincerely, Shane K.


  • The objective function value from the solver iterations gives a clue that one of the variables is getting very large. It could be related to the divide-by-zero issue that is in the response to Using GEKKO for Moving Horizon Estimation online 2.

    One of the equations may be the source of the problem:

    self.m.alpha.dt() == self.m.sin(self.m.alpha)/self.m.r - self.m.u

    The initial value of r is zero (default) because no initial value is provided when it is declared as self.m.r = self.m.CV(lb=0). A comment suggests that it was formerly initialized with value r_init. The zero value creates a divide-by-zero for that equation. Try rearranging the equation into an equivalent form that avoids the potential for divide-by-zero either with the initial guess or when the solver is iterating.

    self.m.r*self.m.alpha.dt() == self.m.sin(self.m.alpha) - self.m.r*self.m.u

    The initialization strategies article also gives suggestions on methods to obtain a successful solution:

    Safdarnejad, S.M., Hedengren, J.D., Lewis, N.R., Haseltine, E., Initialization Strategies for Optimization of Dynamic Systems, Computers and Chemical Engineering, 2015, Vol. 78, pp. 39-50, DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2015.04.016.