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Football Guaranteed Relegation/Promotion Algorithm

I'm wondering if there is a way to speed up the calculation of guaranteed promotion in football (soccer) for a given football league table. It seems like there is a lot of structure to the problem so the exhaustive solution is perhaps slower than necessary.

In the problem there is a schedule (a list of pairs of teams) that will play each other in the future and a table (map) of points each team has earned in games in the past. I've included a sample real life points table below. Each future game can be won, lost or tied and teams earn 3 points for a win and 1 for a tie. Points (Pts) is what ultimately matters for promotion and num_of_promoted_teams (positive integer, usually around 1-3) are promoted at the end of each season.

Sample table

The problem is to determine which (if any) teams are currently guaranteed promotion. Where guaranteed promotion means that no matter the outcome of the final games the team must end up promoted.

def promoted(num_of_promoted_teams, table, schedule):

   return guaranteed_promotions

I've been thinking about using depth first search (of the future game results) to eliminate teams which would lower the average but not the worst case performance. This certainly help early in the season, but the problem could become large in mid-season before shrinking again near the end. It seems like there might be a better way.


  • A constraint solver should be fast enough in practice thanks to clever pruning algorithms, and hard to screw up. Here’s some sample code with the OR-Tools CP-SAT solver.

    from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
    def promoted(num_promoted_teams, table, schedule):
        for candidate in table.keys():
            model = cp_model.CpModel()
            final_table = table.copy()
            for home, away in schedule:
                home_win = model.NewBoolVar("")
                draw = model.NewBoolVar("")
                away_win = model.NewBoolVar("")
                model.AddBoolOr([home_win, draw, away_win])
                model.AddBoolOr([home_win.Not(), draw.Not()])
                model.AddBoolOr([home_win.Not(), away_win.Not()])
                model.AddBoolOr([draw.Not(), away_win.Not()])
                final_table[home] += 3 * home_win + draw
                final_table[away] += draw + 3 * away_win
            candidate_points = final_table[candidate]
            num_not_behind = 0
            for team, team_points in final_table.items():
                if team == candidate:
                is_behind = model.NewBoolVar("")
                model.Add(team_points < candidate_points).OnlyEnforceIf(is_behind)
                model.Add(candidate_points <= team_points).OnlyEnforceIf(is_behind.Not())
                num_not_behind += is_behind.Not()
            model.Add(num_promoted_teams <= num_not_behind)
            solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
            status = solver.Solve(model)
            if status == cp_model.INFEASIBLE:
                yield candidate
    print(*promoted(2, {"A": 10, "B": 8, "C": 8}, [("B", "C")]))