I am confused on the basics of using a library. I understand that there is a library called FFMpeg and a wrapper called FFMpegCore so we can use FFMpeg with C#, correct? I downloaded both FFMpeg and FFMpegCore and I have them in my project's folder. Although I didn't perceive any class named FFMpegOptions in either of the file's folders. I am stuck on how to actually set it up so I can use it in my little project, I never downloaded someone's library before. Can somebody please walk me though the motions of connecting the three of them together?
So far I experimented with:
I am sure this is a silly and easy setup to perform but I just don't know enough to find a solution.
First you must download and install ffmpeg on your machine, (to test that it is working correctly, open a CMD and execute "ffmpeg", it will return the installed version.
Second, create a new project, (I recommend .NETFramework) once your project is created, it is necessary to install the package from NuGet, this function is found in tools> NuGet Package Manager> Manage packages for solutions...>
Then search for FFmpegCore and install it in your project,
The necessary dependencies will be added, now you can start programming with this Framework,
I recommend the FFMpeg.cs class as an example of the documentation, to start with.