Suppose I have a Bazel target with some dependencies that are other targets:
name = "my_test",
srcs = [...],
deps = [
and then in another BUILD file
name = "my_dep_target",
hdrs = [...],
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
deps = [
#permanent deps
] +
":option1": [":real_target1"],
":option2": [":real_target2"],
"//conditions:default": [":auto_amsr"],
name = "option1",
flag_values = {
":my_flag": "opt1"
name = "option2",
flag_values = {
":my_flag": "opt2"
For seek of brevity I will skip the rule but just let me say that when building my_dep_target
from terminal with
bazel build //my/path:my_dep_target --//my/path/to/other/build:my_flag=opt1
everything works fine (also with opt2
I would like to be able to specify the flag value, (not using a default value) in the dependency of my_dep_target
, something like:
name = "my_test",
srcs = [...],
deps = [
"//my/path:my_dep_target --//my/path/to/other/build:my_flag=opt1",
although I know this syntax is not correct.
Is it possible in bazel targets to specify flags for their dependencies?
You're looking for an outgoing-edge user-defined transition. Something like this in a .bzl file somewhere:
def _set_opt1_impl(settings, attr):
return [
{"//my/path/to/other/build:my_flag" : "opt1"},
set_opt1 = transition(
implementation = _set_opt1_impl,
inputs = [],
outputs = ["//my/path/to/other/build:my_flag"]
def _my_rule_impl(ctx):
return [ctx.attr.dep[0][CcInfo]]
my_rule = rule(
implementation = _my_rule_impl,
attrs = {
"dep": attr.label(cfg = set_opt1),
"_allowlist_function_transition": attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/allowlists/function_transition_allowlist"
and then use it like this in a BUILD file (after using load
to import things from above in the .bzl file):
name = "my_dep_target_opt1",
dep = "//my/path:my_dep_target",
name = "my_test",
srcs = [...],
deps = [
can look at the attributes passed in attr
to do something more sophisticated than setting a hard-coded value if you want.