So I have a dataset which I would like to add a new row to (it has 70+ columns in it). If possible I would like the first column to have the name of the city and then every other column in that row to just have a dash.
Here is an example data:
mydata = data.frame (Column1 =c("1","1","1","1","1","1","1",'1',"1","1"),
Column2 = c("2000-01-01","2000-01-05","2000-02-02", "2000-02-12",
"2000-02-14","2000-05-13", "2000-05-15", "2000-05-17",
"2000-05-16", "2000-05-20"),
Column3 = c("A","A","B","B","B","A","A","A","C","C"))
Please see my code below. This code allows me to add a row which gives me Toronto into the first column, but im struggling to add the "-" to the other columns. I would rather NOT have to list out every single column as mine has more than 70 columns.
mydata <- mydata %>% bind_rows(list(`Column1` = "TORONTO"),.)
I tried the following but kept getting errors.
mydata <- mydata %>% bind_rows(list(`Column1` = "TORONTO"),col(2:ncol) = "-")
Any help would be appreciated!
We could use add_row
mydata %>%
add_row(Column1 = "TORONTO", !!! setNames(rep('-', ncol(.)-1),
Column1 Column2 Column3
1 1 2000-01-01 A
2 1 2000-01-05 A
3 1 2000-02-02 B
4 1 2000-02-12 B
5 1 2000-02-14 B
6 1 2000-05-13 A
7 1 2000-05-15 A
8 1 2000-05-17 A
9 1 2000-05-16 C
10 1 2000-05-20 C
11 TORONTO - -
By default, it adds the row at the bottom. If we want to add at a position, specify .before
mydata %>%
add_row(Column1 = "TORONTO", !!! setNames(rep('-', ncol(.)-1),
names(.)[-1]), .before = 1)
Column1 Column2 Column3
2 1 2000-01-01 A
3 1 2000-01-05 A
4 1 2000-02-02 B
5 1 2000-02-12 B
6 1 2000-02-14 B
7 1 2000-05-13 A
8 1 2000-05-15 A
9 1 2000-05-17 A
10 1 2000-05-16 C
11 1 2000-05-20 C
Or may use summarise
with across
to c
oncatenate the -
as the first element
mydata %>%
summarise(Column1 = c("TORONTO", Column1), across(-Column1, ~ c("-", .x)))
Column1 Column2 Column3
2 1 2000-01-01 A
3 1 2000-01-05 A
4 1 2000-02-02 B
5 1 2000-02-12 B
6 1 2000-02-14 B
7 1 2000-05-13 A
8 1 2000-05-15 A
9 1 2000-05-17 A
10 1 2000-05-16 C
11 1 2000-05-20 C