Search code examples

Remove a page filter from a drill through

On a table of multiple columns, three columns form a hierarchical relationship:

Award Code (example: 505115)
Major Class code (example: 12XX)
Class Code (example: 1230)

enter image description here

There are three more columns: budget, actuals, and available budget (shown above).

On the second page of report, drill through is enabled and there are page filters:

Award Code
Major Class Code
Class Code

On this page, there is a table. If I click 1230 (red underline) on the first page of report and drill through to the second page, this is how the table looks like:

enter image description here

It is easy to see that this visual has three filters:

enter image description here

How can I remove the Class Code filter from this table, so that it displays all classes under a given Major Class Code. Using the above example, this is what I would like to have for the table:

enter image description here


This is the sample.pbix file in Dropbox


    1. Create a new calculated table

      Drill Table = data

    2. On destination page, remove your old visual and create a new table visual using the fields from the new calculated table above.

    3. Create a drill measure

      Drill Measure =

      VAR a = SELECTEDVALUE(data[Major Class Code])

      VAR b = SELECTEDVALUE('Drill Table'[Major Class Code])

      RETURN IF(a = b, 1)

    4. Add the drill measure to the visual filter as follows.

    enter image description here

    Sample Link