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RabbitMQ Access refused in Spring

I'm trying to bind a new queue to an existing exchange but I'm dealing with this error and I don't know what's the issue. I have to say that before trying to create a new queue I was able to do it in the past using this same code but now something it's not working.

Shutdown Signal: channel error; protocol method: #method<channel.close>(reply-code=403, reply-text=ACCESS_REFUSED - access to exchange 'ex-people-updates' in vhost 'PEOPLE' refused for user 'people-consumer', class-id=40, method-id=10)

After showing this message for 5 times, then this message appears:

Broker not available; cannot force queue declarations during start:

And then the app runs.

The RabbitMQ config class is as follows:

public class MQConfig {

    public String queue;

    public String exchange;

    public List<String> routingKeys;

    private String username;

    private String password;

    private String address;

    private String vHost;

    public Queue queue() {
        return new Queue(queue, true, false, false);

    Exchange myExchange() {
        return ExchangeBuilder.topicExchange(exchange).durable(true).build();

    Declarables bindings(TopicExchange exchange, Queue queue) {
        return new Declarables(
                .map(key -> BindingBuilder

    public MessageConverter jsonMessageConverter() {
        return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();

    public ConnectionFactory connectionFactory() throws IOException {
        CachingConnectionFactory connectionFactory = new CachingConnectionFactory();

        return connectionFactory;

    public AmqpAdmin amqpAdmin() throws IOException {
        return new RabbitAdmin(connectionFactory());


  • reply-text=ACCESS_REFUSED - access to exchange 'ex-people-updates' in vhost 'PEOPLE' refused for user 'people-consumer'

    It clearly means that your user does not have (configuration) permission to bind a queue to that exchange.