I'm new to python and trying to copy the content of files from dir_A to dir_B. If file is .txt and if these files from dir_A and dir_B have the same names and after zip each of these newly copied files.
import os, shutil, zipfile
src_folder = "C:/Users/pushka/pythonApp1/src_folder"
dst_folder = "C:/Users/pushka/pythonApp1/dst_folder"
# only .txt files will be copied
ext = (".txt")
for src_f in os.scandir(src_folder):
for dst_f in os.scandir(dst_folder):
if src_f.path.endswith(ext) and os.path.basename(src_f) == os.path.basename(dst_f):
# copy file
shutil.copyfile(src_f, dst_f)
print("The 'try except' is finished")
I have searched and tried several options to ZIP, but none of them work properly, so I need your help please
Thanks a lot, but here is the answer to my own question with your help
import os, shutil, zipfile
src_folder = "C:/Users/pushka/pythonApp1/src_folder"
dst_folder = "C:/Users/pushka/pythonApp1/dst_folder"
# only .txt files will be copied
ext = ".txt"
copied_files = []
for src_f in os.scandir(src_folder):
for dst_f in os.scandir(dst_folder):
if src_f.name.endswith(ext) and os.path.basename(src_f) == os.path.basename(dst_f):
# copy file
shutil.copyfile(src_f, dst_f)
for txt_file in copied_files:
file_root = os.path.splitext(txt_file)[0]
zip_file_name = file_root + '.zip'
with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_file_name, mode='w') as zf:
zf.write(txt_file, os.path.basename(txt_file))
Works as expected