We've been using pipenv for dependency management for a while, and using micropipenv
's protected functionality to check lock freshness - the idea here being that micropipenv is lightweight, so this is a cheap and cheerful way of ensuring that our dependencies haven't drifted during CI or during a docker build.
Alas, micropipenv has no such feature for poetry (it skips the hash check completely), and I am therefore left to "reverse-engineer" the feature on my own. Ostensibly this should be super easy - I've assembled the code posted later from what I traced through the poetry and poetry-core repos (Locker, Factory, core.Factory, and PyProjectTOML, primarily). This absolutely does not do the trick, and I'm at a loss as to why.
_relevant_keys = ["dependencies", "group", "source", "extras"]
def _get_content_hash(pyproject):
content = pyproject["tool"]["poetry"]
relevant_content = {}
for key in _relevant_keys:
relevant_content[key] = content.get(key)
print(json.dumps(relevant_content, sort_keys=True).encode())
content_hash = sha256(
json.dumps(relevant_content, sort_keys=True).encode()
print(f"Calculated: {content_hash}")
return content_hash
def is_fresh(lockfile, pyproject):
metadata = lockfile.get("metadata", {})
print(f"From file: {lockfile['metadata']['content-hash']}")
if "content-hash" in metadata:
return _get_content_hash(pyproject) == lockfile["metadata"]["content-hash"]
return False
Would love to figure out what exactly the heck I'm missing here - i'm guessing that the poetry locker _local_config gets changed at some point and I've failed to notice it.
core.Factory: https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry-core/blob/afaa6903f654b695d9411fb548ad10630287c19f/poetry/core/factory.py#L24
Naturally, this ended up being a PEBKAC error. I was using the hash generation function from the master branch but using an earlier version of poetry on the command line. Once I used the function from the correct code version, everything was hunky dory.
I think this functionality actually exists in micropipenv now anyways lol