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Polymorphism in Prisma Schema - Best practices?

This is more a design question than a coding question. Suppose the following schema:

// schema.prisma
// Solution 1

model Entity {
  id    Int          @id @default(autoincrement())
  attrs EntityAttr[] 

model EntityAttr {
  id       Int         @id @default(autoincrement())
  value    Json        // or String, doesnt matter much here
                       // the point is I need to attach info on the
                       // join table of this relation
  attr     Attr        @relation(fields: [attrId], references: [id])
  entity   Entity      @relation(fields: [entityId], references: [id])

  entityId Int
  attrId   Int

  @@unique([entityId, attrId])

model Attr {
  id       Int          @id @default(autoincrement())
  entities EntityAttr[]   
// Solution 2
model Entity {
  id          Int          @id @default(autoincrement())
  dateAttrs   DateAttr[]
  recordAttrs RecordAttr[]
  // ... this pattern could continue for more Attr-like models

model DateAttr {
  id     Int       @id @default(autoincrement())
  name   String
  entity Entity    @relation(fields: [entityId], references: [id])
  value  DateTime  // Stronger typing in generated code

model RecordAttr {
  // ... define another Entity @relation(...)
  name   String
  value  String
  // ...

// ... and so on

Please note that the schema might not be 100% complete or accurate. It is mainly to get the point across.

Solution 1 has its merits where redundancy and the number of tables in the database is reduced significantly (depending on the number of Attrs). Its downfall comes as confusing queries*, possible case-specific type casting and no code-completion for the value field for each Attr-like model.

* by confusing, I mean that the option for simplified m-n queries in prisma is functionally disabled when using a custom join table (e.g. EntityAttr)

Solution 2 has its merits where the generated code results in more strongly typed code generation for the value field, however it falls in the number of generated tables (I don't actually know if more tables is a good thing or a bad thing, all I think is that if you have similar values, they ought to be in the same table).

What would you do in my shoes?


  • I was looking pretty long for an appropriate answer and found it here. I'm not sure if it could be applied to your question, but this is question about prisma and polymorphism, so I think this code snippet might be useful for developers:

    model Photo {
      id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
      likes Like[] @relation("PhotoLike")
    model Video {
      id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
      likes Like[] @relation("VideoLike")
    enum LikableType {
    model Like {
      id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
      Photo Photo? @relation("PhotoLike", fields: [likableId], references: [id], map: "photo_likableId")
      Video Video? @relation("VideoLike", fields: [likableId], references: [id], map: "video_likableId")
      likableId   Int
      likableType LikableType

    Resuling relations in dbdocs: enter image description here