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SFSL error while encrypting password in snowflake

I am trying to insert the password in a table using encrypt() function provided by a snowflake.

The below statement is working fine

 select  encrypt('Patient tested positive for COVID-19',  $passphrase);

but when I am trying to use the variable instead of direct string password inside encrypt() I am getting an error(below query is giving an error)

set acc_name = 'acc1';
set username = 'username1';
set password = 'passtemp';
set passphare = 'random_string';

insert into db.public.detailstable values ($acc_name,$username,encrypt($password, $passphare));


SQL compilation error: Invalid expression [ENCRYPT(:SFSL_A2_0, :SFSL_A2_1)] in VALUES clause

Create table statement:

create or replace TABLE detailstable (
accountName VARCHAR(16777216),
username VARCHAR(16777216),
password BINARY(8388608)


  • The VALUES clause in an INSERT requires a literal, expression, default value, or NULL. The result of the encrypt function call does not satisfy that requirement. The following statement will work.

    insert into db.public.detailstable
    select $acc_name, $username, encrypt($password, $passphare);