Here is my Ansible playbook. It reads /etc/waagent.conf file and checks if variable AutoUpdate.Enabled=y or not.And it uses Jinja template to generate output.csv file.
ansibleuser@server:~/plays$ cat report_waagent_local.yaml
- name: waagent auto update report
hosts: localhost
connection: ssh
remote_user: ewxxxx
become: true
become_user: root
gather_facts: true
- name: "Ensure status of AutoUpdate.Enabled in /etc/waagent.conf"
name: /etc/waagent.conf
line: AutoUpdate.Enabled=y
state: present
check_mode: yes #means make no change , just check
register: conf
failed_when: (conf is changed) or (conf is failed)
ignore_errors: yes
# logic
# if "conf.changed": false --> that mean AutoUpdate.Enabled=y
# if "conf.changed": true --> that means value is not set in file.
- name: generate report
src: report_waagent_local.j2
dest: ./output.csv
And here is Jinja Template.
ansibleuser@server:~/plays$ cat templates/report_waagent_local.j2
{% if conf.changed == false %}
{{ ansible_host }} , AutoUpdate.Enabled=y
{% else %}
{{ ansible_host }} , AutoUpdate.Enabled=n
{% endif %}
It produces output.csv as expected., AutoUpdate.Enabled=y
Now, I need to fetch similar reports for all the servers present in the Azure subscription.
I modified my playbook. Note: I am using dynamic inventory in azure, I have a group named "all_pls" on which I need to run a playbook.
ansibleuser@server:~/plays$ cat report_waagent.yaml
- name: "generate waagent report"
hosts: all
connection: ssh
remote_user : ewxxxxx
become: True
become_user: root
gather_facts: True
- name: "Ensure status of AutoUpdate.Enabled in /etc/waagent.conf"
name: /etc/waagent.conf
line: AutoUpdate.Enabled=y
state: present
check_mode: yes #means make no change , just check
register: conf
failed_when: (conf is changed) or (conf is failed)
ignore_errors: yes
# if "conf.changed": false --> that mean AutoUpdate.Enabled=y
# if "conf.changed": true --> that means the value is not set in the file.
- name: generate report
src: report_waagent_local.j2
dest: ./output.csv
I am running my playbook and getting no issues.
But I am getting no output in output.csv.
ansible-playbook --limit all_pls report_waagent.yaml
I guess I need to loop over hosts in a group name and also check conf.changed in the Jinja template. Can someone help please?
I fixed the issue.
- name: log conf.changed in output.csv using a template
line: "{{ lookup('template', 'report_waagent_local.j2') }}"
insertafter: EOF
dest: output.csv
delegate_to: localhost