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How to add api-key to google secret-manager

With Terraform GCP provider 4.30.0, I can now create an google maps api key and restrict it.

resource "google_apikeys_key" "maps-api-key" {
  provider     = google-beta
  name         = "maps-api-key"
  display_name = "google-maps-api-key"
  project      = local.project_id
  restrictions {
    api_targets {
      service = ""
    api_targets {
      service = ""
    api_targets {
      service = ""

    browser_key_restrictions {
      allowed_referrers = [
        "https://${local.project_id}*", # raw url to the app engine service
        "**"    # Custom DNS name to access to the app

The key is created and appears in the console as expected and I can see the API_KEY value.

When I deploy my app, I want it to read the API_KEY string.

My node.js app already reads secrets from secret manager, so I want to add it as a secret.

Another approach could be for the node client library to read the API credential directly, instead of using secret-manager, but I haven't found a way to do that.

I can't work out how to read the key string and store it in the secret.

The terraform resource describes the output

key_string - Output only. An encrypted and signed value held by this key. This field can be accessed only through the GetKeyString method.

I don't know how to call this method in Terraform, to pass the value to a secret version. This doesn't work.

  v1 = { enabled = true, data = resource.google_apikeys_key.maps-api-key.GetKeyString }


  • Referencing attributes and arguments does not work the way you tried it. You did quote the correct attribute though, but just failed to specify it:

    v1 = {
      enabled = true, 
      data = resource.google_apikeys_key.maps-api-key.key_string

    Make sure to understand how referencing attributes in Terraform works [1].
