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how to remove post "categories" from showing up on the the hamburger/toggle menu in wordpress

I'm trying to find some CSS to help me stop having "post page categories" from showing up on the hamburger/toggle menu on wordpress. For example here, i'm making and when the hamburger menu is clicked, and gives me the dropdown, besides the normal menu items, i keep seeing "uncategorized" below the normal menu as additional menu items (or, if I add any categories to a post, those categories below the menu items.) It's driving me crazy and i can't figure out how to stop it! Please help, thanks!

FYI - I tried the follow two bits of CSS, but they didn't seem to do anything:

.hamburger-panel .category-links { display: none; }
.hamburger-panel .panel-body-contents > hr { display: none; }


.menu-panel li a.widget-link[href="/categories"] {
    display: none;


  • You can check for the same in theme settings and mobile menu if you want to do it with CSS try this code.
