I am trying to write a macro in Clojure that allows for evaluation of a series of simple "def" expressions. I am a n00b when it comes to macros. The idea is that
(my-defs y1 1
y2 "taco")
should expand to
(do (def y1 1) (def y2 "taco"))
The following code accomplishes this for the special case of two defs
(defmacro my-defs
[& args]
(def ~(first args) ~(second args))
(def ~(nth args 2) ~(nth args 3) )))
which is nice, but I am having trouble generalizing this. I tried out a few naive things involving looping through bindings of the elements of (partition 2 args)
but I always got garbage (I know this isn't very specific but the diversity and extent of the garbage seemed a bit too much to report here). How do I loop over these are and evaluate my defs?
The macro my-defs
is a toy. What i really want to accomplish in the end is a littel helper macro to instantiate a bunch of multimethod instances. Currently I have large chunks of code that look like
(defmethod f [A B] [x] "AB")
(defmethod f [A A] [x] "AA")
(defmethod f [C B] [x] "CB")
which is a little unsightly. It would be nice if I could do something like
(defmethods f
[A B] [x] "AB"
[A A] [x] "AA"
[C B] [x] "CB")
It looks to me like you're looking for the ~@ macro expansion/unquote.
(defmacro defmethods [n & defs]
`(do ~@(map (fn [[a1 a2 a3]]
`(def ~n ~a1 ~a2 ~a3))
(partition 3 defs))))