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What does const {value:valueFromContext} = useContext(Context) do?

I am new to react and I came across the following code:

  interface ValueContextProps {
  value?: Object;
  nextValue: (value: Object) => Object;
  const ValueContext = React.createContext<ValueContextProps>({ nextValue: (value) => value });

const {nextValue:nextvalueFromContext} = useContext(ValueContext)

So what does nextValue:nextvalueFromContext do? What is getting stored in nextValue?

Also, valueFromContext is used like a function in the code. Something like -

nextValue = nextValueFromContext(value)


  • If you have an object, then you can destructure the object like this:

    const obj = {key: 'value'}
    const {key} = obj // this is destructuring
    const {key: newVariableName} = obj // this is the same, but key is given a new name
    console.log(newVariableName) // 'value'
    const {nextValue:nextvalueFromContext} = useContext(ValueContext)

    This will read the value nextValue from context, and rename it to nextValueFromContext