I am trying to craft a gcloud command that does a bulk metadata update on compute engine instances.
Normally I could just pipe gcloud compute instances list
to xargs gcloud compute instances add-metadata
. However, this is thwarted because for some inexplicable reason, add-metadata
needs both an instance name, and a zone, even though compute instance names appear to be globally unique. So now I'm forced to try to shuttle both pieces of data (both name and zone) to the add-metadata command. If I don't provide both, I get:
ERROR: (gcloud.compute.instances.add-metadata) Underspecified resource [worker-1]. Specify the [--zone] flag.
I'm about ready to give up on the bash/xargs incantation and switch to python but I thought I'd check here first.
I have this command:
gcloud compute instances list \
--filter="name~'worker' AND zone~'us-central1'" \
--format 'value(name,zone)'
which returns something like:
worker-1 us-central1-c
worker-2 us-central1-c
worker-3 us-central1-c
worker-4 us-central1-c
I then need to pipe these into a command like:
gcloud compute instances add-metadata --zone=[zone goes here] --metadata myvalue=true [instance name goes here]
But this is proving tricky/annoying using xargs alone. Is there a better or simpler way to accomplish what I'm attempting?
Pipe it to while read sequence:
gcloud compute instances list \
--filter="name~'worker' AND zone~'us-central1'" \
--format 'value(name,zone)' | \
while read instance zone; do
gcloud compute instances add-metadata \
--zone=$zone --metadata myvalue=true $instance