what I'm trying to archive with the code below is to have the GetInstance
generic function take in an interface type that SystemVars
implements (say IAuthentication) then create an instance of SystemVars
and return it as interface type T.
The problem I an having is that no matter what casting method I try I can't find a way to return the new instance of SystemVars
as T. The line in the GetInstance
method Return <CastingFunction>(New SystemVars,T)
always fails to compile with the error message saying Value of type SystemVars cannot be converted to 'T'.
How do I return the instance of the class as the interface type that was passed into T?
Imports System.Drawing
Public Class SystemVars
Implements IAuthentication,
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Public Shared Function GetInstance(Of T)() As T
Return DirectCast(New SystemVars, T)
End Function
Public ReadOnly Property Username As String _
Implements IAuthentication.Username,
Return _userName
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property Rolls As List(Of String) _
Implements IAuthorization.Rolls
Return _rolls
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property InstallationId As Guid _
Implements IAuthentication.InstallationId,
Return _installationId
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property MainWindowStartUpPlacement As Rectangle _
Implements IApplicationStarting.MainWindowStartUpPlacement
Return _mainWindowStartUpPlacement
End Get
End Property
Private Shared _userName As String
Private Shared _rolls As List(Of String)
Private Shared _installationId As Guid
Private Shared _mainWindowStartUpPlacement As Rectangle
End Class
You can make an otherwise illegal cast work by passing through Object
Public Shared Function GetInstance(Of T)() As T
Return DirectCast(CObj(New SystemVars), T)
End Function
You will get a runtime error if the cast isn't possible; as noted in the comments, this strategy is chucking type safety out the window and basically telling the compiler, "Don't bother me, I know what I'm doing." The runtime will throw an InvalidCastException
on failure if you don't test and throw yourself. You can test using Type.IsAssignableFrom
if you want to create a more developer-friendly error message; there isn't much context available in the debugger at the point of failure, though it may be pretty obvious if you look up the call stack.
For just three interfaces, it might be better to do three separate specific functions rather than a generic version, especially considering that the functions are necessarily Shared
(and thus can't themselves be part of an interface).
You might also consider a design that includes a Dependency Injection container. In this kind of design, there would be a configuration step that would associate the interfaces with SystemVars
as the implementation, then the client would ask the container for an instance of the interface and receive a SystemVars
The rough way that the three options (the third being to cast the SystemVars
object to the requested interface) would look in code is:
'Casting a received object to a requested interface
Dim asInterface = DirectCast(SystemVars.GetInstance(), IAuthorization)
'Using a custom casting function on SystemVars
Dim asInterface = SystemVars.GetInstance(Of IAuthorization)
'Using a DI container
'Behavior if the interface isn't supported depends on the container
Dim asInterface = container.GetInstance(Of IAuthorization)
Note that TryCast
could be used instead of DirectCast
, in which case the result would be Nothing
if the interface isn't supported.