I want to create a shinyApp that runs just locally, i.e. withouth a URL that can be accessed by others.
Here a minimal example:
ui <- fluidPage("Some app")
server <- function(input, output) {}
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
While running this, the console says:
If I type the URL into my browser, I see the App I am writing on. How can I hinder the app to go online? This is important for my use case because we handle sensible data which must remain locally.
Just to leave a clear answer regarding your question:
Your app never was online.
Via your browser is accessing the standard address for IPv4 loopback traffic on your localhost (your PC) - please see this.
's default for the host parameter is:
host = getOption("shiny.host", "")
On the other hand using runApp("")
as described here makes your app accessible from the LAN.
To share your shiny applications online you can e.g. publish them on shinyapps.io.