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Fluentbit Cloudwatch templating with EKS and Fargate

I've an EKS cluster purely on Fargate and I'm trying to setup the logging to Cloudwatch. I've a lot of [OUTPUT] sections that can be unified using some variables. I'd like to unify the logs of each deployment to a single log_stream and separate the log_stream by environment (name_space). Using a couple of variable I'd need just to write a single [OUTPUT] section.

For what I understand the new Fluentbit plugin: cloudwatch_logs doesn't support templating, but the old plugin cloudwatch does.

I've tried to setup a section like in the documentation example:

      Name              cloudwatch
      Match             *container_name*
      region            us-east-1
      log_group_name    /eks/$(kubernetes['namespace_name'])
      log_stream_name   test_stream
      auto_create_group on

This generates a log_group called fluentbit-default that according to the is the fallback name in case the variables are not parsed.

The old plugin cloudwatch is supported (but not mentioned in AWS documentation) because if I replace the variable $(kubernetes['namespace_name']) with any string it works perfectly.

Fluentbit in Fargate manages automatically the INPUT section so I don't really know which variables are sent to the OUTPUT section, I suppose the variable kubernetes is not there or it has a different name or a different array structure.

So my questions are:

  • Is there a way to get the list of the variables (or input) that Fargate + Fluentbit are generating?
  • Get I solve that in a different way? (I don't want to write more than 30 different OUTPUT one for each service/log_stream_name. It would be also difficult to maintain it)



  • After few days of tests, I've realised that you need to enable the kubernetes filter to receive the kubernetes variables to the cloudwatch plugin. This is the result, and now I can generate log_group depending on the environment label and log_stream depending of the container-namespace names.

    filters.conf: |
            Name kubernetes
            Match *
            Merge_Log Off
            Buffer_Size 0
            Kube_Meta_Cache_TTL 300s
      output.conf: |
            Name cloudwatch
            Match *
            region eu-west-2
            log_group_name /aws/eks/cluster/$(kubernetes['labels']['app.environment'])
            log_stream_name $(kubernetes['namespace_name'])-$(kubernetes['container_name'])
            default_log_group_name /aws/eks/cluster/others
            auto_create_group true
            log_key log

    Please note that the app.environment is not a "standard" value, I've added it to all my deployments. The default_log_group_name is necessary in case that value is not present.

    Please note also that if you use log_retention_days and new_log_group_tags the system is not going to work. To be honest log_retention_days it never worked for me also using the new cloudwatch_logs plugin either.