I am new to python and am trying to do two things that are not working.
The first is return the number of questions a person asks for (I have got my error messages done.
The second I want an error message if the user does not enter exactly A,or B,or C, or D. I have set it so they can't leave it blank and tried to do it so that if they enter a number they get an error message. I just want to add that they can't add characters or letters e-z or lower case.
def playquiz():
print ("How many questions would you like to answer?")
numberofquests =input()
numberofquests = int(numberofquests)
if numberofquests > 15:
print ("there aren't that many questions. The maximum you can answer is 15!")
print ("How many questions would you like to answer?")
numberofquests =input()
numberofquests = int(numberofquests)
if numberofquests <=0:
print ("Good bye")
exit (0)
# -------------------------
def new_game():
guesses = []
correct_guesses = 0
question_num = 1
for key in questions:
for i in options[question_num-1]:
guess = input("Enter (A, B, C, or D): ")
guess = guess.upper()
while guess ==(""):
print ("Can't leave this empty")
guess = input("Enter (A, B, C, or D): ")
while guess == isalpha():
print ("You must enter either A,B,C,D")
correct_guesses += check_answer(questions.get(key), guess)
question_num += 1
display_score(correct_guesses, guesses)
Try this:
numberofquests = int(input("How many questions would you like to answer?"))