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How to replace a string in a variable that came from a CSV Data Config?

In my JMeter test plan, I have two CSV Data Config elements.

  • CSV Data Config-element-requestBodies: This CSV Data Config element has a variable named "requestBody". In the corresponding CSV file, each line has an XML request with a placeholder string.

  • CSV Data Config-element-subject: variables. This CSV Data Config element has a variable name "subjectDn". In the corresponding CSV file, each line has a distinguished name (DN) for a user.

The "requestBody" variable will contain an XML request from the CSV file that has the request bodies, with a placeholder string and I want to replace that placeholder with the contents of the "subjectDn" variable, and then use the modified "requestBody" variable in the HTTP Request element.

In other words:

  1. Replace the placeholder string in the ${requestBody} with the value in the ${subjectDn}, then

  2. Use the modified ${requestBody} in the HTTP Request

How can I do that? What is the easiest/least overhead way of doing that?

I've tried using the "__evalVar" function (see, but it looks like that is not able to do the replacement when the string is from a CSV file?

Thanks in advance!



  • Wrap your ${requestBody} into __eval() function, it will allow JMeter to resolve JMeter Functions and Variables which are present as "placeholders" in the CSV file to their respective values.


    Also if you consider scripting to accomplish your requirements be informed that starting from JMeter 3.1 it's recommended to use JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language. More information: Apache Groovy: What Is Groovy Used For?