For convenience let's say we run the following:
bin/rails generate scaffold Candidate::Test
The generating function then proceeds to generate all the major components on the corresponding module names. Everything should work fine if I do a rails test
right after generating the scaffold but I get the following error.
RuntimeError: Neutered Exception ActionView::Template::Error: Missing partial candidate/tests/_test with {:locale=>[:en], :formats=>[:html], :variants=>[], :handlers=>[:raw, :erb, :html, :builder, :ruby, :jbuilder]}.
And here's what the error suggested:
Did you mean? candidate/tests/candidate_test
There's something wrong with the naming of the generator. What should I do to resolve this?
You read link
Rails: 7.0.3
Ruby: 3.1.2
And I run bin/rails generate scaffold Candidate::Test
=> It's okie.