Search code examples

r combine results from two tables into one

My first table is like this.

               Dante      Inferno      Purgatorio    Paradiso
       A       1477       445           NA           191
       B       1427       751           359          360
       C       NA         273          3095          NA
       D       1614       NA            43           116

This is my second table

               Dante      Inferno      Purgatorio    Paradiso
       A       658        445           NA           116
       B       653        751           97           360
       C       NA         273           2095          NA
       D       703        NA            43           103

What I am trying to accomplish is a table like this

               Dante       Inferno      Purgatorio    Paradiso
       A       1477(658)   445(445)     NA            191(116)
       B       1427(653)   751(751)     359(97)       360(360)
       C       NA          273(273)     3095(2095)    NA
       D       1614(703)   NA           43(43)        116(103)

Values from the second table are within brackets for the matching column and row (same cell).

Any suggestions on how to create this table is much appriciated. Thanks in advance.


  • df3 <- df1
    df3[] <- sub('NA.+', 'NA', mapply(sprintf, '%s(%s)', df1, df2))
          Dante  Inferno Purgatorio Paradiso
    A 1477(658) 445(445)         NA 191(116)
    B 1427(653) 751(751)    359(97) 360(360)
    C        NA 273(273) 3095(2095)       NA
    D 1614(703)       NA     43(43) 116(103)