.How can i run a function of Future inside the then function after await here is the code am currently trying
getData() async {
await MainClass().getToken().then((value) {
But the getSchools(); function is not runinng but when i try this method
getSchools() {
the result is printed but when i run this method
Future<List<SchoolInfo>> getSchools async {
http.Response response = await http.post(
Uri.parse(MainClass().getBaseUrl() + 'api/getMegaCandidByAgentId'),
body: jsonEncode(<String, String>{
'api_key': tk,
'agent_id': id,
var js = json.decode(response.body);
var status = js['success'];
if (status == 'Ok') {
final data = js['data'];
List<SchoolInfo> info_ = [];
for (var ls in data) {
SchoolInfo info = SchoolInfo(
return info_;
} else if (status == 'Error') {
var sms = js['message'];
return error_;
} else {
print('Unknown Error');
return error_;
the function does run or throws any error but the function runs successfully directly in my future builder but as you can see from the code i need the token first before i call call the function, am kindof new to flutter so am not sure what possible or not. Any help will be greatly appreciated
I'm not exactly sure why you'd want to run it like that. You should call the getToken() function with async/await, and then async/await getSchool().
getData() async {
String token = await MainClass().getToken();
// We're passing 'token' from our first asynchronous call to getSchools()
List<SchoolInfo> schools = await getSchools(token);
Now you need to update getSchools
to accept this parameter.
Future<List<SchoolInfo>> getSchools(String tk) async {
... your code here