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Setting different permissions for different resources in Serverless

I am using Serverless and I have a running stack that consists of Lambdas, Dynamodbs vs... However, I want to deploy one more lambda that has different permissions than others for security reasons. For example; I want it to only have read permission to my dbs. However, other Lambdas I have built need to have write permission on dbs.

I come up with two different solutions;

  1. Changing the Lambda's permissions after the Serverless deployment. (I am not in favor of this; the reason I am using serverless is to escape from deployment configurations such as this one)
  2. Creating 2 different projects thus, two different serverless files, and operating on them. (This also brings overhead and complicates the maintenance)

It would be best, if there was a way to define different permissions for different resources in one Serverless.yml. However, I couldn't find resources on this topic.

Thank you for your time!


  • There is a serverless plugin called "Serverless IAM Roles Per Function" that allows you to create separated roles for your functions. You can also have a default role that will be inherited in some functions.

    In a nutshell it's something like:

      name: aws
        - Effect: "Allow"
            - xray:PutTelemetryRecords
            - xray:PutTraceSegments
          Resource: "*"
        handler: handler.get
        iamRoleStatementsInherit: true
          - Effect: "Allow"        
            Action: s3:GetObject        
            Resource: arn:aws:s3:::my-bucket/*

    Here is the author's post with all details and here is the serverless official page about it.