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Using "git flow release finish" why merge master into develop not use the release branch?

I have question about git flow operation. I watched the post about the "Release branch". Finally, the release branch merged into master and develop respectively. I also followed the commands, and the commit graph had been correct.

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I used gitflow-avh or sourcetree to same operations, but the commit graph was different. Why the master branch merge into the develop branch not use the release branch?

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  • After merging release into master, instead of also merging release into develop, there are some (minor) benefits to instead merging master into develop. Note the resulting state is the same, but the extra merge commit on master will also exist on develop. Some implementations of Git Flow prefer to merge this way, one of which is gitflow-avg. The FAQ actually crosses out a problem that is corrected by merging in this way (which is listed in the section "Why does git-describe not work for me?").