Why in the CMSIS device file "TM4C123GH6PM.h"
there are reserved structure members declared in some of the peripheral's structures for example in TIMER0_Type
structure there are two reserved members.
does it have something to do with the microcontroller itself or is it concerned with word alignment and how the structure is going to be allocated in the memory?
typedef struct { /*!< TIMER0 Structure */
__IO uint32_t CFG; /*!< GPTM Configuration */
__IO uint32_t TAMR; /*!< GPTM Timer A Mode */
__IO uint32_t TBMR; /*!< GPTM Timer B Mode */
__IO uint32_t CTL; /*!< GPTM Control */
__IO uint32_t SYNC; /*!< GPTM Synchronize */
__I uint32_t RESERVED;
__IO uint32_t IMR; /*!< GPTM Interrupt Mask */
__IO uint32_t RIS; /*!< GPTM Raw Interrupt Status */
__IO uint32_t MIS; /*!< GPTM Masked Interrupt Status */
__O uint32_t ICR; /*!< GPTM Interrupt Clear */
__IO uint32_t TAILR; /*!< GPTM Timer A Interval Load */
__IO uint32_t TBILR; /*!< GPTM Timer B Interval Load */
__IO uint32_t TAMATCHR; /*!< GPTM Timer A Match */
__IO uint32_t TBMATCHR; /*!< GPTM Timer B Match */
__IO uint32_t TAPR; /*!< GPTM Timer A Prescale */
__IO uint32_t TBPR; /*!< GPTM Timer B Prescale */
__IO uint32_t TAPMR; /*!< GPTM TimerA Prescale Match */
__IO uint32_t TBPMR; /*!< GPTM TimerB Prescale Match */
__IO uint32_t TAR; /*!< GPTM Timer A */
__IO uint32_t TBR; /*!< GPTM Timer B */
__IO uint32_t TAV; /*!< GPTM Timer A Value */
__IO uint32_t TBV; /*!< GPTM Timer B Value */
__IO uint32_t RTCPD; /*!< GPTM RTC Predivide */
__IO uint32_t TAPS; /*!< GPTM Timer A Prescale Snapshot */
__IO uint32_t TBPS; /*!< GPTM Timer B Prescale Snapshot */
__IO uint32_t TAPV; /*!< GPTM Timer A Prescale Value */
__IO uint32_t TBPV; /*!< GPTM Timer B Prescale Value */
__I uint32_t RESERVED1[981];
__IO uint32_t PP; /*!< GPTM Peripheral Properties */
} TIMER0_Type;
On that particular part there is a 981 word gap between TIMER0_TBPV
, and a 1 word (32bit) gap between TIMER0_SYNC
. From the datasheet:
The "reserved" fields simply force alignment with the hardware register map for which the type is used as an overlay. You certainly should not instantiate an object of this type in memory!