My question is how can I access the parameters that are sent by dialog flow over the conversation?
For example,
When live agent hand off is done. I want to transfer to specific phone numbers which will come from dialog flow.
In short, How Can I access a parameter in Vox engine for dialog flow CX integration ?
liveAgentHandoff value is included in the response to Voximplant and your parameters will be available in the metadata field:
Here's the code sample on how to recognize a liveAgentHandoff request in Voximplant scenario
let number;
conversationParticipant.addEventListener(CCAI.Events.Participant.Response, (e) => {
if (e.response.automatedAgentReply?.responseMessages) {
e.response.automatedAgentReply.responseMessages.forEach((response) => {
if (response.liveAgentHandoff) {
transfer = true;
number = response.liveAgentHandoff.metadata.phoneNumber;
Logger.write('###### LiveAgentHandoff being triggered: ' + JSON.stringify(response));